𝔩𝔩𝔩𝔩. 𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖊

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⭒❃.✮:▹ TW: mentions of murder, blood, swearing, semi-graphic scenes, etc. ◃:✮.❃⭒

Returning to Metropolis they had yet to hear from Gar but did learn something about Conner from the news; Conner was officially taking over LexCorp and teaming up with Sebastian.

They could only help but wishfully thinking that Conner was working an angle even if he took on the bald-headed, charming psychopath thing very well. If Sebastian was with Conner that meant he refused May's offer for Armageddon - so the question is what's worse than Armageddon?

The other thing to fix was keeping Rachel safe. While they may not be in the same town they couldn't risk Sebastian bleeding and then let Rachel take on the same wound. Only Rachel was ready to go head first ready to risk her life to stop everything and let it be her life rather than Kory's

Rachel was set on helping and while half the people in the room thought maybe science could help sever the connection there really was only one shot at cutting it and that was with magic. Which led Dick asking the only powerful magic connection he knew - John Constantine.

The Clavis Noctem also known as, "The Key of Night" is black magic that finds inner evil and gives it a physical form that can be destroyed. While Rachel sat weak in the circle her evil physical form tried to kill her and Dick was meant to kill it.

Kory was MIA all while a new game was putting people in commas with the potential to kill. One of those people being Bernard who was found by Tim lying unconscious with blood coming out of his eyes.

Edith on the other hand had taken over a lab while she talked to Nyssa through one of the monitors, "Are they all preppy and snobs?"

"No, they all just keep things very clean and..."

"Pretentious" Nyssa cuts off her background being a mess of her office and shows her lab clean in her eyes but also very cluttered "I bet they think they're the only STAR LABS that is doing research. Like sure we're a museum but that mean's nothing-"


The girl doesn't listen she just keeps ranting, walking out of frame to pick a candy from her stash, "Cause we still create great scientific findings along with helping many of you all. Like I bet they have five people working on a suit while I can do way better than they ever could. Hell I have!"


"I even did a better job than that one old dude who made your last suit!"


"Yeah?" Nyssa mumbles in between chews of her red licorice 

"What are you going on about?"

"Metropolis' Star Labs thinking they are the only Lab out there"

"But why are we talking about it?"

"You asked!" Nyssa exclaims making Edith let her head fall forgetting how tiring it is to talk to Nyssa when she didn't have a set subject in mind

"I didn't. You didn't finish tell me about what Catlin found"

"Oh" Nyssa's eyes sparkle as she cleans her hands on her jeans and starts to move things on her computer screen before they both are seeing the same thing "So see here, that spike in your brain waves was when i'd asked..."

Nyssa went on a whole ramble of how Catlin finally took a look at Edith's brain waves and blood from when she was under looking back at her memories. Edith's cells regenerate at a faster rate than humans were possible - which they knew - only Catlin learned that it happened even if there wasn't any plants around. It made it so Edith would never get sick but also could change considering her DNA changed every time she gave and took.

Before Edith could ask why it was important Tim knocked on the closed door with great importance behind each pound. Edith ended her call and got up ready to follow Tim back to the main room as he explained what he had found out.

Just as the two turn a corner they run into Kory and Gar, "Kory."

"Hey" The woman brightly smiles at the two "Look who I brought with me."

"Welcome back." Tim greets Gar by pulling him into a hug

Then it was Edith's turn to hug the green haired boy and ask with worry, "Where were you?"

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you." Gar replies with a smile making them believe his words and yet Edith couldn't help but see the pollen surrounding the two

"You'll tell me later, yeah?" Edith asks Gar as she dusts the pollen off his shoulder that only she could see. Gar replies with a nod of his head

Kory was able to see Tim moody asks, "Tim, what's wrong?

Tim lets out a deep breath before answering, "I know what Sebastian and Conner are doing."

Once they had made it back to the main lab room Tim gave the three the short presentation of what he'd discovered, "Every game has pathing. The ghosts in Pac-Man moving along a set course, a long block in Tetris. But this game's player icon always makes this pattern."

On the table screen the symbols all create one whole symbol that makes Gar point at it with wide eyes, "That symbol was at the Temple of Azarath."

"So Sebastian created a game that's also a spell."

"I'm thinking ritual." Tim amends Kory's idea "The players don't know it. Bernard didn't know it. But I think it's killing people."

Not being in the business of letting others knowingly kill people en masse, the four had to find a way to stop it or gather information on the situation. The plan in theory was for S.T.A.R. Labs to brute force hack LexCorp and corrupt their servers. Then they'd delete the game on any device connected to the Internet - if they could get through LexCorp's mainframe security.

If they were to do that technically, they'd be committing cyber-warfare against a private corporation, and that's a felony. Really Tim was asking for permission to break the law and the two women gave it to him

Everything Tim tried wasn't working, until he was encouraged to look for a back door. They were able to cheer and relax once the computer's automated voice says, "Target deletion in progress."

Only that once Sebastian's game was destroyed it didn't magically wake the millions of people that were harmed by it.

There was some hope; Rachel broke her bond from Sebastian. And while they didn't know what Conner and Sebatian are to plan next the team knew the new CEO of LexCorp might be on their side. 

⋆┈┈。゚❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ❁ུ۪ ❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ゚。┈┈⋆

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⋆┈┈。゚❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ❁ུ۪ ❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ゚。┈┈⋆

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