𝔩𝔩. 𝖘𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓

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⭒❃.✮:▹ TW: mentions of murder, blood, swearing, semi-graphic scenes, etc. ◃:✮.❃⭒

It seemed Star Labs updated their security measures, not only did it take a code to get into the secret basement but also a handprint scan. Edith tried her previous code which seemed to work leading her to the next phase of getting her hand scanned. Not seeing as there being anything bad happening if she places her hand on the panel Edith does so and waits for her hand to get scanned.

Someone how the scientists at the lab had gotten Edith's handprint, making her feel creeped out since they then could frame her for anything. Trying to think positively Edith shrugs it off and walks down the halls to a familiar scientists lab

"You have any candy?" Edith greets the red-haired girl

"No, I'm not on a sugar cleanse" Nyssa replies only to look up from her screens and turn around being pulled back to reality "Edith! Omg, you're here!"

"Hi Nyssa"

"There is so much we need to catch up on," The red-haired girl turns to look at her computer monitor then back to the older girl "but first I need to finish this lab test"

"Test?" Edith questions surprised, as tests were only given in school

"Yeah I'm back at school, I'll be done in twenty-three minutes." Nyssa states with certainty once she looks at the timer she'd set up to tell her how much time she had until five minutes before the test window ended "Oh! We got a new kitchen and it does have candy. We even have those tubes on the walls that when you pull the lever cereal comes out"

"Meet me there when you're done then, we need to catch up"

"Of course, of course," Nyssa waves her visitor off 

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Nyssa had finished her test and did join the older girl in the kitchen they talked a bit until Nyssa couldn't hold back her exciting news. Leading Edith to one of her second rooms where she worked on building gadgets, the two stood before her newest designs have come to life

"You made me a suit?" Edith quickly blinks in shock at the news 

"Mhm, come!" Nyssa excitedly states with so much pep in her step as they walk towards a specific tube on the wall

On a mannequin, the first item that Edith noticed was that it had a face mask rather than an eye mask. Nyssa presses a button on the wall making the mannequin move forward so Edith walks around it to really take it in.

The suit had a green hood almost similar to the one the Green Arrow wears, but this one was different because the fabric was green on the inside of the hood while the outside was black with small holes that allowed the green to be seen. The suit did have a steel-looking corset with side thigh protection with a flashlight attached on the right backside, and an extendable staff on the left backside.

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