𝔩𝔩𝔩. 𝖋𝖔𝖚𝖗

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⭒❃.✮:▹ TW: mentions of murder, blood, swearing, semi-graphic scenes, etc. ◃:✮.❃⭒

Things were gloomy at the Wayne Manor. Connor blamed himself which caused tension between him and anyone trying to consolidate him. As for the adults, they were about to have one less in the mansion. 

"Paris?" Dick asks standing in a private airplane hanger

"For now. I'll hole up in my family's place. See what the world looks like without Dove," the platinum haired girl dressed in white shares her plans

"We'll miss it." Edith states knowing they'd miss Dove but mainly the woman

"I liked how it looked before." Dick solemnly responds to a life without Dove

Dawn studies the man before her, "I worry about where your mind is going."

"Jason has to be stopped." Dick says with certainty as there was no room for interpretation

"How he's stopped matters," Dawn clears it as she didn't want the kid dead even if for a moment she did 

"Not with Hank dead. Deathstroke damaged us all, but none of us turned into a killer," Dick justifies

"Speak for yourself." Dawn whispers taking a moment to swallow the cry wanting to escape "I keep thinking about the time I told you not to be Batman. I knew what Gotham could do to a person. Bruce was on to something when he walked away from this. Hank wanted to stop, too. I know in my heart there's a way out. There's something more on the other side. You both could always come with me."

Dick looks over at Edith both knowing each other's answer because they couldn't leave. Dick turns to Dove and flashes a small smile, "You know I hate flying. Love you."

At the open arms Dawn leans in being able to feel the peace, "I love you, too. Always."

In the two friends separating Edith opens her arms, "My turn?"

Without even answering her Dawn pulls Edith into a bear hug. Edith didn't have any intention of crying but in the warm hug it was pulling at her heartstrings, "I love you babes"

"I love you babe," Dawn whispers back just as they pull apart only for Edith to be holding a small bouquet of flowers 

"What do they represent?" Dawn asks taking hold of the yellow and white flower that looked like little fuzz balls. Edith had a vast knowledge of any plant she was able to create and everyone around her knew that if she gave you a flower there was a meaning behind it

"Their essence is meant to help heal heartache, and also just look really funny," Edith shrugs as the flowers were fun and probably why they were meant to help heal heartache

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