𝔩. 𝖘𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓

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⭒❃.✮:▹ TW: contains mentions of murder, blood, swearing, semi-graphic scenes, etc. ◃:✮.❃⭒

Adamson would only talk to one person, that being Rachel and after some hesitation from Dick, she made her way to the bathroom where Adamson was still chained in the bathtub. Rachel didn't get hurt, she actually hurt Adamson almost killing him really but then without knowing how brought him back to life.

Needing answers, the three adults interrogate the old man only to be informed of even more interesting news that made them walk back to the living room needing to share it.

Dick leans in taking a moment before he says the news, "He says your birth mother is still alive."

"What?" Rachel whispers eyebrows slightly furrowing while the news also caught Gar's attention

"He claims they've been holding her prisoner," Dick shares more, and seeing the slight hope in Rachel also adds "He may be lying."

Kory had been standing behind Dick speaks up walking over to sit on the couch with everyone else, "He says your mother's name is Angela Azarath. They're holding her at some asylum. Apparently, he and his people are dead set on keeping you two apart."

"Why?" Gar asks while Rachel stays quiet wrapping her arms around herself

"Some more blabber about Rachel's father and his divine mission. I don't know," Kory answers strongly disliking the tales they've been told about Rachel's father "Sounds like your mother isn't a fan."

"My mom's alive. I could meet my mom. We have to go. Now," Rachel strongly says standing up needing to move

"Even if he is telling the truth, this could be a trap. At best, we would be marching into an enemy stronghold. You've seen what these people can do. No one's going anywhere until we take some time for recon," Dick strategically explains thinking about the whole situation without emotion

"What if they move her?" Rachel emotionally asks not being able to wait "They know we have him."

"I'm not risking all of our lives on his word. I'm sorry," Dick apologizes making Rachel look around at the other two adults

"Tell him he's wrong," Rachel looks at the two women

Love bites her lip undecisive while Kory tilts her head answering, "I wish I could. You know how I hate to agree with him, but..."

"All you ever talk about is finding out who you are," Rachel cries before turning to look at Gar "You think we should go. Right, Gar? Gar?"

"I'm sorry, Rachel." Gar shakes his head not being able to meet Rachel's eyes

"Love?" Rachel pleads her voice breaking Love making her want to agree with the poor girl but she knew it wasn't right

"Rachel...I-We need to think about how to safely rescue your mom," Love replies which wasn't what Rachel wanted to hear making the young girl storm out of the living room

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