𝔩𝔩𝔩𝔩. 𝖋𝖔𝖚𝖗

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⭒❃.✮:▹ TW: mentions of murder, blood, swearing, semi-graphic scenes, etc. ◃:✮.❃⭒

The team being back together after getting Sebastian Sanger from PD's hold they return to hiding in the woods. Sebastian wasn't talking to anyone but Rachel was doing her best to get him to bond with her that would lead to trust.

With Sebastian's story having a familiar ring of how they all first meant from being set up for a crime, death following them, and never being violent.

Even Kory shared news with Edith and Dick about a revelation she had about an old Tamaranean song; "When the red moon comes, my true fight begins". To Kory it felt like a warning because it was her song, a song that was sung to her all the time when she was a kid.

Edith on the other hand hadn't told anyone about her experience while she was momentarily stone. The main reason she didn't tell Dick was because they had many problems at hand that needed to be handled

Dick decides they need to get back on the road because a moving target is harder to hit. Only now they had a new body - Jinx who was fitting in by listening to everyone and commenting whenever she could while making sure she could get into their heads.

Sebastian was a mystery. He was creating a video game with weird symbols, had a taxidermy job and before that was an aquarium cleaner.

Things turn dark real quickly when Rachel learns what the woman wanted with Sebastian. The stranger said she'd known him since before he was born and that she'd help him only if he let her. All she wanted was for Sebastian to say Azarath Metrion and Zinthos - only Rachel cut him off before he could say the last word.

It felt impossible considering there was no one left at the asylum that they'd burned down to the ground. Only there was that burning question of "What if they're back?"

On their way to the place the asylum used to stand they had to inform Tim and Conner of what happened before they met. Or at least just Rachel's family history and how Trigon led a cult her mom joined and then had her. When the name Trigon was used that's when Sebastion joined in the conversation curious about the name.

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Arriving to where the asylum once stood wasn't as gratifying considering what now stood in it's place is a Super Super Mart

"Hello, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome back to the asylum." Gar announces and it wasnt as gratifying as it could be seeing a new building standing in it's spot

"Strange. This store never came up on my GPS. It's just blank. A black hole." Dick furrows his brow looking at the tablet in his palm

"It's gone." Kory sighs her jaw clenched at the fact that there was more questions

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