𝔩. 𝖘𝖎𝖝

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⭒❃.✮:▹ TW: contains mentions of murder, blood, swearing, semi-graphic scenes, etc. ◃:✮.❃⭒

Love and Dick were in luck that the car they had stolen from the murderous family had GPS meaning they could track their past stops. The auto shop definitely wasn't the right stop meaning an apartment complex in Chicago definitely was the right place.

Looking at the tall glass apartment complex looks through the car window making Love scrunch her nose, "Not to be that person, but can I just stay in the car while you go looking for that Anderson person"

"Adamson," Dick corrects making Love smirk

"Yeah, yeah, so we good?" Love asks just to be certain

"Just make sure to keep an eye out," Dick nods his head unbuckling his seat belt, and heads across the street making Love keep an eye on the building entrances

Lucky for her she'd gotten to nap on the ride to Chicago meaning she was able to notice armed men dressed in black walk into the building a minute after Dick had gone in. Worried Love waits a few seconds for them all to enter the building as to not be noticed but when she enters the building she's met with an old lady. With an eye roll Love sighs knowing what needed to be done, "Fuck"

Without a second guess, she knocks the old lady unconscious justifying it as no one who is a good person would let armed men in black walk past them. Also, how if she was a good person then the bad men wouldn't have let her unharmed. Punching an old lady was in Love's list of dislikes along with elevators because of how slow they take when needing to be somewhere quickly. Impatiently tapping her fingers on the elevator's wall railing Love pays extra attention to the cranking of the ropes pulling her up.

When she arrives on the right floor Love hears punches being swung while normally she'd run down the stairs but there was fog that made it hard to see the white steps. So when she hears a voice that definitely wasn't of an old man or Dicks she makes her way into the living room not caring if she missed a step.

"Wow... Dick Grayson in the flesh. Nice to meet you bro I'm the new Robin," The teen boy wearing a mask and cape announces with a stretched out a hand for Dick to take leaving Love to stand confused at the sight of someone dressed up as Robin

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Love and Dick didn't have time to speak on the elephant in the room who called himself the new Robin because he wouldn't leave them alone.

"Man, dude looks dead," the raven-haired young boy states looking back at the body they were pulling from their arms up the empty parking structure to the parked car

"Trust me. There's a difference between dead and knocked out," Dick replies mentally cursing Love for not parking the car closer since it was empty

"This is awesome! Robin and Robin, in action," The boy dressed with cape and mask answers

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