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The H/C girl whispered in the boy's ear from behind, making him shiver from the sudden presence. A silent scream left his mouth as he turned around and faced her "Y/N? What are you doing here?" He asked.

Y/N hummed and squinted her eyes at him as she walked closer to him "I should be the one asking that to you."

"What do you mean?" Takemichi asked as he sweatdropped.

Y/N crossed her arms "You have been spying on Draken and Mike for the past one hour. That's really suspicious you know."

"Ah huh? How do you know? I mean no I wasn't"

"Don't lie to me, Takemichi. I have been spying on you, spying on them. I was on my way to meet Draken and then we were supposed to meet Mikey but on my way, I saw you hiding behind the wall and trail him where ever he went. So, I thought that something must be going on so I ended up watching you. I need an explanation right now!!"

Takemichi didn't really know how he was supposed to tell her the reason. He just wanted to make sure that Mikey and Draken don't get in a fight that can be deadly. He knew that Y/N was smart and she'll look through that excuse he gives. "It was for an important purpose. I wanted to make sure that they don't fight." He said.

Y/N raised her eyebrows "Fight? Why will they fight? You just sound more suspicious."

"Trust me, I can't really tell you the exact reason behind it."

Y/N frowned and grabbed him by his collar "Takemichi, if you are a spy from some other gang who was sent to make his way into Toman and spy on the leader and give some important information about Toman then I am going to beat you up to death myself."

he gulped in fear as he saw his own reflection in her dark eyes. "It-It's nothing like."

"Then what is it?"

"I can't tell you right now. Someday, I will. I will definitely tell you what's going on" He said and ran away.

Y/N couldn't help but wonder what the real reason was behind Takemichi spying on Draken and Mikey. "He is weird."

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