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The street lamps were illuminating the road, and the sounds of insects were filling up the atmosphere as they walked down the road towards Y/N's house. Y/N would occasionally glance towards him with the corner of her eye and it would be a lie if she said that he was not handsome. Raven-colored hair with his bangs parted on the right side and golden-brown eyes and soft features.

"What's your name?" He asked and looked towards her, almost catching her peeking at him. "L/N Y/N" She answered and kept her focus on the road in front of her. "I'm Iwasaki Kai."

"Nice to meet you, Iwasaki."

"Just call me Kai"


The small talk came to an end in just a few seconds and silence took over once again. "Haru isn't friendly to new people. I am sorry if he troubled you." He said, breaking the silence once again.

"No no, he didn't cause any trouble. He was rather polite with me." 

"That's new. He is never polite to me. Instead, he always hits me and shouts. I can't even hit him back because he is way younger than me." 

"But you still love him right?" She asked. Kai let out a small laugh "Yes I do. I love him very much. You know when he got lost today I was really scared. I tried my best to look for him but in the end, I couldn't and had to report it to the police. After all, I saw him again after 3 years. How could I just sit around and do nothing?"

"Three years? Why?"

Kai rubbed the back of his head and gave her an awkward smile "I was in reform school." 

Y/N's eyes widened at the statement "Reform...school? What did you do to go there?"

"Do you wanna know everything at our first meeting? Let's save the talk for later. After all, we'll keep meeting from this day on." He winked at her. Y/N rolled her eyes "I will make sure not to come across you again." 

Kai gasped and placed his hand on his heart "I am heartbroken!! How could you say that?" He then cupped his own face and showed it to her "Don't you wanna see this handsome face again?" 

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