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Her mom greeted as she opened the door for Y/N. "What happened you look happy," Y/N said as she removed her shoes. "We have good news, come in the living room quickly"

She walked into the living room and took a seat on the couch. "Finally you're home!! Because of you, we had to wait hours to find out the good news" Satoshi complained but Y/N just ignored him.

"Now tell us what is the good news" Aiko groaned.

"Ok then kids, the good news is that....We are going to Canada"

"Wait really?!" Satoshi said with amazement.

Everyone was happy except Y/N. "We are going to Canada for what? For a vacation??" She asked. "No. It's not a vacation. I had a job transfer and also got a promotion" Her dad replied.

Wait- What!! That means we'll leave Japan...

"We'll move out soon, in about a week or so."

"WAIT!! WHY DIDN'T YOU ASK FOR MY OPINION?!" Y/N asked. Everyone looked at her with confusion. "But what's the matter? Aren't you happy?" Her mom asked.

"No that's not what I meant but you-"

"Y/N I understand what you want to say. You have a lot of friends here and it'll be hard to leave them behind after all this is where you lived from the day you were born." Her dad said. He walked closer to her and placed his hands on her shoulder.

"But you should try to understand that it's important for me to take everyone along with me. Your mom left her job for you so that nothing like the kidnapping incident ever happens again. So, I can't leave all of you behind and go alone."

Y/N nodded and left the area. She didn't wanna argue about it but it was difficult for her. She entered her room and didn't even bother turning on the lights before jumping on the bed.

She was silent and tried to control her tears but it didn't work. "Why?! I don't wanna go, I want to stay here with everyone" She mumbled.

She knew there wasn't anything she could do but the difficult part was facing Mikey. She remembered every moment she spent with Mikey on that day.

"I can't even fulfil the promise I made to him."


She thought a lot and made up her mind to not let him know about the fact that she'll leave Japan and won't come back. She didn't want him to get sad. Once she isn't around, he'll forget about her one day. That's what she thought.

She would meet everyone normally each day and would try to enjoy every moment with them. Mikey took her on another date. She was happy that he did but these little moments will only make them closer which wasn't something she wanted to do.

"I'm going to Canada." She said.


"It's going to be a long vacation. We'll be going in three days."

"Make sure you enjoy your trip a lot. And bring me some presents" He grinned. "Sure"

"I have one more place I wanna take you to and there's something I want to show you." He said.

"Ah no, actually I have some packing to do. So I can't go with you but I am really happy that you brought me to this cafe." She turned him down because she didn't wanna grow more closer to him otherwise it'll be really hard for her to move on from him.

"Y/N I don't know why but you don't look that cheerful, is something the matter?" He asked.

"No, it's just that the exams are right around the corner and it's frustrating"

He interlocked his hand with hers "Look if there's something that's bothering you then don't hesitate to share it with me ok?"

"I will"

Stop being so caring it hurts me. I wish I could spend more time with you.


That was the last day she saw him before going to Canada. She was sitting by the window seat in the aeroplane looking at the runway. "Should I just get off this aeroplane?" She mumbled.

"Nee-san I am not even good at English what am I going to do!?" Satoshi panicked. She smiled at him "It's fine, you'll learn it and if someone bullies you for not knowing English and tell me, I'll beat them up!"

"You should change your punk personality. You'll never get a boyfriend if you stay like that" He teased. "Oh really?" She asked as she raised her eyebrows. "Yup!"

"I don't want a boyfriend," She said.

I already have one...


"When are you coming back? I miss you" Mikey said in a baby voice. It's been a week since they moved to Canada and Mikey calls her every day.

"I told you, it's a long vacation. We'll come back when we want to" She said.

"I wanna see you"

She sighed and switched the voice call to video call. "Now you can see me"

"Ah yes! But I don't wanna see through a screen"

"Well I can't do anything about that you know"

"Just come back"


"Just come back quick ok? Don't spend much time over there. I miss you so much"

"I miss you too but I can't do anything thing about that. I'll try to come back. Now bye, I need to sleep"

"Bye!! I love you!!"


6th June 2008...

The first part of this book ends here!! I hope you are enjoying this book

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The first part of this book ends here!! I hope you are enjoying this book. I make sure to start the second part soon. Till then bye <3

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