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13-year-old Y/N sang on top of her lungs as she bopped her head to the music. "She said 'see you later boy.'" Emma continued. They jumped and danced as the lights of the room changed their colors every five seconds. The music blasting out of the speakers which were loud enough to disturb the neighbours.

"He wasn't good enough for her!!" Kazutora shouted making everyone laugh and groan when he ruined the tune. "She had a pretty face." Baji sang trying to get back on the right track. "But her head was in space." Draken sang.

"She needed to come back down to earth" Mikey sang, finishing off the chorus. "Who's next?" Emma asked. "Pah!!" Y/N replied but he was nowhere to be seen. "Where is he?" She asked.

Kazutora and Baji stepped aside making the scene clear for her. Pah was sleeping on the couch. "Aww, man! He is missing out!"

It was Christmas and they were having a sleepover party at Mikey's place. Grandpa Sano was out enjoying himself with his old friends so the house was empty and ready for a party. But the one who made this party possible was holding light sticks in his hands shaking them as he stood in the corner looking at everyone dancing their hearts out.

"Ok then guys, you all continue your party, I need to go out" Shinichiro informed which made Y/N stop the music and frown. "What do you mean you have to go out? It's a party and you are a part of it!! You can't just skip it! That's rude"

Shinichiro put the light sticks on the table "Well, I have my friends too right? I never mentioned that I was going to stay. All I said was that I'll help you organize the party and look," He pointed towards all the decoration in the living room "I did"

"No one wants you to leave though"

He raised his eyebrows "Is that so? Those who think I should go and meet my friends, raise your hands."

His eye twitched when no one raised their hand and looked at him doe eyes, trying to make him stay. "Fine! Don't look at me like that!"

"Now then..." Emma started as she stood next to Y/N and crossed her arms. Y/N glanced at Emma and got the hint, she snickered as she looked at the boys "All of you sit down!"

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