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You can skip this if you don't want to read the outcome which could happen if Takemichi didn't change anything!!


The doctor who came out of the surgery room said. I felt my heart shatter. I couldn't believe what I just heard. Emma burst into tears along with the others.

Draken died? No! Please no!! Why!!

I felt my legs lose all the strength, I fell on the ground as I cried upon Draken's death. I knew nothing was going to be the same as before now. I glanced over to Mikey and saw him with his head down staring at the ground. He suddenly got up and dashed out of the hospital.

I followed him out but couldn't see him anywhere. All I could see was the crowd of Toman members standing. They looked at me with questionable faces , "Y/N what happened? Mikey just drove away on his bike" one of them asked. "Guys... Draken is dead" I said. Everyone was overwhelmed with sadness.


All of us attended Draken's funeral and it's been one week since his death and I haven't seen Mikey since then. I felt so bad, I knew he was affected a lot by his death and I wanted to be by his side , supporting him in anyway possible.

I decided to give him a visit at his house. When I reached there, the atmosphere tensed me up. The vibe of the house were giving me creeps. I rang the bell and Emma opened the door. "Emma!!" I gave her hug. Her eyes were still red and swollen. I knew how much she loved him.

"Y/N!! Please help Mikey. He has lost himself. He doesn't eat properly, nor he talks to anyone. I know you can help , please do it. I have already lost a person close to me and don't wanna lose others" she cried.

I rubbed her back and comforted her , "Mikey is in his room" she said and broke the hug. I quietly walked towards his room and opened the door. I couldn't look at the sight infront of me. The room was a mess , all the stuff was on the ground and it felt like a dark aura surrounded it. "Mikey" I said as I walked in. "I told no-one is allowed to enter and then why are you here Y/N?" I heard someone from beside me.

It creeped me out. I looked towards my side and saw Mikey. He had bags under his eyes. His eyes were red and swollen just like Emma's and he looked a bit thin too.

"MIKEY!! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU" I cried and placed my hands on his cheeks. "What have you done to yourself? Just look at you."

I couldn't hold back my tears, "Mikey... Stop it... Come back to your normal self" , "I can't see you like this"

"Y/N-chin, why is Kenchin not here with you? You both always visit me together right?" He said which horrified me. "Mikey.... Kenchin is dead , don't say stuff like that. Have you gone crazy?"

He didn't say anything and looked at me before breaking into tears. He then suddenly hugged me , which made me lose my balance and we fell on the ground but he didn't let me go. "Yes I have gone crazy. I can't believe Kenchin is dead. He was my best friend. He was someone who was always there for me. I can't believe he is no more in this world"

"Mikey, we need to move on. I couldn't believe everything too, but we can't do anything now. Only if we could go back in time and save him. But those things don't happen. This is life, we lose people close to us at one point of time and we need to move on from them. Mikey, please get a hold of yourself."

He didn't reply and we stayed in the position , on the ground , him hugging me by having his arms wrapped my waist and his head buried in my neck. "Y/N I don't wanna lose you too. So, stay by my side everytime." ,"I feel very differently towards you. If you leave me in the future I won't be able to handle it."

"What do you mean by feeling different?" I asked.

"I love you Y/N" he confessed. "I have always loved you. I want to protect you have you by my side everytime. I don't wanna lose you. If you are gone then I will lose myself completely."

I used all my strength to get up on my feet and made him do the same. "Mikey, I have liked you for a long time too and I didn't even realise when that small crush turned something big called love."

"Y/N let's move on together and have eachother's back everytime."

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked. I smiled as tears rolled down , I nodded giving him an agreement.


From that day on , we started dating and helped eachother whenever there was a need. I was happy but somewhere deep down it felt empty , I felt that both of us were just dating to help eachother go through tough times because Mikey wouldn't interact with everyone in the same way he did when Draken was alive and same goes to me.

We only met at times when we were sad or when we were having a rough time. It felt as if we were just using eachother for venting our frustration. It took me only few weeks to realise this but I didn't wanna end this , because I felt happy talking to him and he did the same. I didn't wanna ruin it until on day when everything in my life turned upside down because of the person named Tetta Kisaki.

I will have these alternative chapter written for every incident that Takemichi changes

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I will have these alternative chapter written for every incident that Takemichi changes. You don't necessarily have to read them because most of time it will be sad and angst. You are free to skip them. <3

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