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for Kai, for herself, and for everyone. She was tied to a chair, unable to move her hands or her legs. Her face was covered in bruises from the baton and blood that had dried up as time passed. She finally understood what South meant by 'be the bait to the fish.' He wanted to bring down both Brahman and Mikey through her.

If it was her old self, she would've tried her best to run free but now things are different. She isn't some superhuman who can take down a whole gang all by herself. Her younger self was just reckless and would jump in fights but now she is well aware of the consequences that take place after. Her friends were an escape from her responsibilities. And slowly she lost them, one by one. During her stay in Canada, she wondered if things would've been better if she used her brain if she didn't make stupid decisions.

In the end... she only saved herself from arriving at the gate of death and no one else. She made it her goal to save everyone with Takemichi but nothing went as planned. But, now she doesn't want to fail.

When she was alone, wandering off, she met someone whom she could call her friend. Kai. And looking at him sitting in front of her, tied to a chair with bigger wounds than hers, made her heart crack. Kai was just an unknown who got dragged into this because of her. She felt guilty, about everything.

For the first time... She wanted someone to save her. She has always been the person, others could lean on but now she needed someone she could lean on. She could ask for help.

She glanced over to her right, towards the gang members who were busy chatting among themselves. Her eyes met South's who gave her a smug look "What are you looking at? Damn! that look. I told you to call Mikey, didn't I? Or do you want me to send one of your body parts as a message? I'll kill both you and Mikey today then I'll be at the top right? Isn't that what you said? The king still remains... Then I'll take down Brahman, the precious gang you joined..."

Y/N huffed as she threw her head back and looked at the ceiling "How many times do I have to tell you? I don't have any contacts with Mikey so you aren't getting anywhere with this. Just a few hours ago, you wanted me to join your gang, and now you are taking me as a hostage, beating and what not. Is that how to recruit new members?"

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