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as the manager of the restaurant scolded her for not coming to work for a week. "I am letting this slide only once ok? Next time you take a long leave like that without any important reason, I'll have to tell the owner about it and you know he cuts a lot of money..."

"Yes, I'm sorry. I won't do it again." She apologized but she didn't sound sorry at all. 

"Also, don't argue with the Kanto Manji members. They are special ok?"

"But they act like a bunch of assholes." She commented and rolled her eyes.  

"You are a kid and I am telling this for your well-being. The leader of their gang isn't the kindest person you know. You obviously wouldn't want him to get his hands on you."

"Don't worry about me. I can take care of myself. I can face the leader too." She said and walked out of the room.

"Did he scold you too much? If he did.." Kai spoke up the moment Y/N walked out. He patted her back "then don't worry about it. He won't tell the owner. He is probably the best manager. Things stay between us." 

"That's nice. It should be that way. I mean, it was just a week you know..." 

Kai chuckled "Yeah a week, watch your payday go a week further too." 

Y/N sighed and grabbed her notepad from the counter "I don't wanna work but I want money too. I should just do something I like. I can't deal with rude customers." 

"Then what is it that you like to do?" 

That question put Y/N in deep thoughts. "What do I like to do? I freaking don't know. I never thought of it. In Canada, I studied biology and chemistry as my main subjects but I was not sure if I want to do something in that field." 

"You'll have to study further to get into those fields in the first place. You took a year off and you are living alone too so all I can say is... You'll have to deal with the customers. You can't do something else right now."

"Is there any underground fighting tournament or something?" She asked. 

"Y/N... stop it please" He laughed "You wanna fight to earn? Are you that strong? All the underground fighters are on another level."

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