Chapter Two

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I tapped my foot on the floor out of agitation as I waited for my estate agent to arrive. She currently had possession of the keys to my new home which meant I couldn't enter until she arrived, which I really didn't need after a 23 hour flight feeling grimy and exhausted. "I'm so sorry for keeping you waiting, the traffic was a nightmare" she spoke breathless as she jumped out of the company car and jogged towards me, her thin heels clicking on pavement. 

"Don't worry, I haven't been here long" I lied through gritted teeth, ensuring I didn't make her feel overly guilty as she already looked stressed enough. She directed me a warm smile and politely helped me take my suitcases into the house before giving me a tour of the house which I'd only ever seen in pictures. 

"So before I leave, is there any questions you'd like to ask?" We approached the front door, I just wanted her to get out; she was overly energetic and I couldn't be bothered which her enthusiasm, but then I realised I knew absolutely nothing about where things were in my new local area. 

"Um, well I guess knowing where the nearest Supermarket is would be helpful?" I shrugged, she nodded and procdeed to route through her bag, she handed me a very simplistic map of the area which showed me where the nearest shops were and how to get into the City centre.

"This will help, keep this and you'll get used to the area in no time". I thanked her before opening the front door to her and waving her off as she drove away from the house. I flopped onto the old fabric sofa which the previous owners had left in the house along with all the other basic furnishings, it was ugly and smelled like dog but it would have to do until my own furnature arrived. I  was exhausted but there was so much I had to do. I heaved myself up off the plush sponge and dragged my aching limbs up the stairs. 

Pushing the lid of my first suitcase over, I retrieved my wash bag and walked across the hall into the bathroom, I fiddled with the knob but eventually fathomed how to work the shower and let the lukewarm spray drizzle over my body instantly refreshing and cleansing me. Considering I wasn't exactly in a desperate rush, I decided to shave all of the necessary areas and exfoliate thoroughly  after massaging the nourishing coconut shampoo and conditioner through my hair.

When I'd finished in the shower, I re-entered my bedroom with a towel wrapped tightly around my body and one draped over my head. I pulled the first outfit I found out of the already opened suitcase and put it on after lathering my body in coco body butter. I was wearing a black cropped tee and some light denim dungaree shorts. I pulled my all black vans from the case and took them downstairs with me, dropping them by the front door in case I decided to venture out later today.

Still having no motivation to unpack, I wandered aimlessly towards the double glass doors which led out to the back garden and I stepped out, feeling the heat of the approaching summer wash over my body. I looked around and took in the freshly cut green grass and the various planted flowers which followed the light brown fence around the garden- the previous owners of the house were extremely garden proud, therefore the outsides of my house were immaculate (as was inside). 

Before I had chance to even recollect my thoughts, a ball flew over the fence and hit hard into my arm causing me to let out a short yelp of pain and fear. “Shit, I’ll go and get it so I can apologize. We haven't even met the new neighbours yet and we've just hit one of them with a fucking ball” I heard a boys voice shout to the rest of the people who were on the other side of the tall fence

I picked up the dirty ball after rubbing my sore arm which I was positive would bruise, and walked back through the house and into the lounge, awaiting the knock of the neighbour at the door, when it finally sounded, I swung it open. "I believe this is yours" I chuckled, not tearing my eyes off the ball as I held it out.

“So you must be our new neighbour, I’m Beau” a familiar voice laughed back at me causing my eyes to jolt up and inspect the individual before me, I gasped and my eyes widened - there stood the boy from the airport. "Oh my god it's you" his jaw dropped in shock.

“It's you" I giggled in shock. I guess I would be seeing Beau around after all, despite me thinking otherwise in the airport. "I'm Amelia" I spoke, remembering I hadn't yet told him my name.

“So you’ve moved from London, Amelia?” he asked, positioning himself comfortably against the door frame. I frowned slightly and began to furrow my brow in confusion- how would he know?

“Yeah, how did you know?” I asked the confusion in my voice evident, he laughed and raised his eyebrows in amusement, I awaited his answer impatiently. 

“The accent, it’s not every day you hear someone over here talking like you" I threw my hand over my mouth and began to laugh. I felt so foolish forgetting that my accent wasn't the same over here in Aus, I was the one with the strange accent, not vice versa. Just as I was about to retaliate, Beau unintentionally cut me off. "You should bring your family over sometime to meet mine, my mum could do with a close by friend” Those words hit me like a bullet that  I didn’t know how to react to, I  forcefully shoved the ball into Beau's chest and slammed the door shut before sinking down it, bursting into tears.

When I'd finally managed to console myself I rose from the ground and wiped my bloodshot eyes and stinging cheeks. I decided I would go and apologize to Beau later for my rude behaviour and hope he accepted my apology. But for the time being, I decided I should begin to unpack my clothes into the temporary wardrobes I had to prevent them from getting creased.

As I began placing various items on hangers and bits and pieces in drawers, I longed for nothing more than my docking station. "Why did I get it shipped over and not pack it" I groaned out loud to myself wishing I could blast some music to give me motivation to carry on. 

Just as I got to the final few bits of clothing, there was another knock at my door. I halted and scrunched my face up in thought, who could it be? I began making my way downstairs and pulled the door open to find Beau standing there looking worried.

“I don't know what I did, but I'm so sorry about before I didn't mean to upset you" I watched as he fiddled nervously with his hands and chewed his lips, avoiding eye contact with me at all costs, I shook my head and smiled warmly at him.

"Don't worry, you didn't do anything, it's just I erm, it doesn't matter" I brought my sentence to a half and Beau nodded understandingly, continuing to speak to refrain from creating an awkward situation.

"I actually came over to ask if you wanted to come into Melbourne Central with me and my two brothers in about an hour, we're going to go and meet two of our friends, we'll happily show you around” he smiled politely and I nodded excitedly, the thought of not being alone in itself made me grin. 

“Yeah sure, knock when you’re ready to go” Beau nodded and shot me a soft smile before retreating back across the lawns to his house, I shut the door and hopped back up the stairs in hope to complete my mission of unpacking before he returned.

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