Chapter 24:

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AN: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR OVER 1000 READS! I LOVE YOU ALL. anyway, sorry this chapter is a short one, the next is like seriously long.


~2 weeks later~

I sighed as I made my way back over to my till. I reactivated it and signalled for the next lot of customers to come over, I scanned their items and bagged them neatly, they handed me the cash, I gave over the change and placed the receipt in the bag. That was how boring my day of work was. Luckily I now only worked Saturdays because of college.

After the Christmas holidays I began my course on hair and beauty at Glenroy Park College as planned (made the college up, don’t ask). I was enjoying it so far and working hard on trying to get a qualification.

“Hey beautiful” a voice said, holding the ‘l’. I looked up from the till and saw Beau standing there with a smile on his face.

“What do you want?” I asked, looking around the store nervously. We still hadn’t come clean to the public about our relationship yet and the last thing I wanted was fans finding out about it the wrong way.

“I wanted to know if I could take my beautiful girl out to dinner tonight, and if she liked this dress which I want to treat her to” he smiled sweetly and held up a stunning white lace dress that was in the style of a long sleeved skater dress.

“It’s gorgeous Beau, but you really don’t have too” I laughed and shook my head, he laughed back. I leant against the counter and stared into his amazing green eyes.

“Yeah, but I want too” he mumbled sexily. I rolled my eyes and he handed me the dress with a grin. I scanned it and stared at the price, my jaw dropped. Beau obviously noticed “Don’t mention the price, I’m buying you it end of” he instructed.

“Right then, be ready for 8. I’ll see you then” he smiled and turned to walk away, just as I was about to usher over the next customers, he turned and ran back.

“What you faggot?” I couldn’t help but giggle at him as he tottered back over to the checkouts.

“Just wanted to say I love you”

“I love you too, now bugger off I have work to do”


I patted down the white lace dress which Beau had bought me and stared at myself in the full length mirror. My hair was curled and clipped into a simplistic bun on the back of my head and I wore clean black Jeffery Campbell’s with silver studs on the heel and cute white lace rimmed socks. My make-up was defined and edgy: smoky eyes and dark liner. I applied fake eyelashes to glam up the simple outfit and placed on my favourite plum lipstick.

The knock at my door echoed through the house, I grabbed my black clutch and headed to the door where I found beau holding a bunch of roses. “For you my lady” he blushed slightly and handed me over the flowers, I was speechless.

“Beau they’re gorgeous, but what’s all this for?” I pointed to the dress and then the flowers, looking confused. He just smiled and simply shrugged.

“I love you and wanted to show you that. I know it’s Valentines Day soon, but why shouldn’t I treat you like a princess now?” He followed me into the house explaining as I placed the roses in a vase and positioned them in the centre of the coffee table in the living room.

“You’re the sweetest, I love you” I smiled and placed my lips delicately on his.

“Come on lets go, we have reservations” Beau led me out of the house and towards his car, he opened the door for me and then ran around to the driver’s side, he buckled himself up and we drove off.

Fifteen minutes later we pulled up outside the front of a little Chinese restaurant, Beau hopped out and opened my door for me. Gently, he took my hand and helped me out of the car.

“Oh you look beautiful by the way, I love your dress, is it new?” he smirked as we walked through the little doors and found a table. I giggled at him and took a seat which he’d politely pulled out for me. We ordered our drinks and Beau began to talk.

“I have one more gift” he smiled cheekily. I rolled my eyes and sighed. It’s not that I didn’t appreciate them, I just felt so awful for not having anything for him in return.

“Close your eyes” I obeyed his demands. I heard his chair pulling out from under the table and felt him get closer to me. I felt his arms place something around my neck which he tightened at the back. “There” he smiled.

I opened my eyes and looked down; on a simple necklace chain hung a stunning white gold band ring with little square diamond. Engraved on the inside was “Beau and Amelia” in a fancy italic font, with an infinity sign.

“Beau” I gasped taking the ring between my finger and thumb and holding it tightly, he smiled and took his seat again, grabbing my hands over the table.

“It’s a promise ring. I know it’s normal to put them on your finger, but I liked this idea” he grinned at me and I stared at him confused, not knowing what a promise ring was. “Oh, a promise ring is basically a way of me promising to you I will always be there for you. I will protect you and love you and never hurt you in any way. I will cherish you until the day I die and you will be forever mine. I know we’ve only been together properly for 2 weeks, but I’ve loved you for almost 6 months”

Wow. Had I really been in Australia for 6 months already?

“Beau Peter Brooks, why are you so fucking perfect?” I giggled, he really was the most amazing boyfriend anyone could ever wish for, and I had him.

“Stop being silly, you’re the perfect one. Now let’s eat, I’m starving” I took his hand which he held out for me and he led us over to the Chinese banquet. We stood in the short line and Beau handed me a plate which I immediately began to fill with a variety of different things as soon as we hit the front of the queue.

We didn’t stay long at the restaurant after we finished our meals; we just headed back to my house and well…

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