Chapter 27:

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~Skip’s POV~

I pulled up nervously outside Amelia’s and Amie’s house. I took a deep breath and opened the door of my battered up, shitty car. “Come on, Daniel” I mumbled to myself as I made my way to the door.

“Ay, Skippy” Beau yelled with a mouthful of pizza as he answered. “Oh, someone looks snazzy” He said in a feminine voice as he waggled his eyebrows.

“Just because you’re a tramp” I winked, ruffling my fringe in my fingers.

“Oh sassy”” He snapped his fingers and pouted ridiculously; he walked back through the door and ushered me to follow.

“Idiot” I laughed and made my way into the house.

“I’ll shout Amie for you” I walked over to where Amelia was sitting and saw her fussily eating a piece of pizza.

“Hi, Skip” She said to me, trying to sound cheerful. I could see right through it, I put my hands in my pockets and looked at her sternly.

“I just don’t feel well” she sighed, flopping the piece of pizza back in the box. I sighed with her and slumped onto the sofa. I wrapped my arm supportively around her shoulders and kissed her forehead.

“I know but we’ll get you better soon” I smiled, hoping we could get her back to her normal self.

“So are you nervous for your big date?” She asked excited. I bit my lip and shoved my hands back in my pockets. I heard Beau and Amie talking at the top of the stairs. My heart rate increased.

Amie walked down wearing a deep red dress covered in lace, it hugged her figure perfectly, and her platinum grey hair was perfectly straight and hung at her boobs. She’d backcombed the top, shorter layers of her hair and it looked perfect. She was wearing black Jeffery Campbell’s.

“Wow” I said, she grinned and walked over to me, clutching her black bag. I kissed her cheek lightly and we said goodbye to the others before heading out to my car. I opened the door for her which was something I’d never done for a girl before.

I made my way round to the driver’s door and climbed in. My eyes bore into Amie, she looked so perfect. A silver lip ring was positioned perfectly and absolutely none of her red lipstick was smudged over it, her perfect eyes were dressed delicately with a layer of black eyeliner and mascara which made her lashes look amazing.

“What?” She giggled. I could see her face blushing. I shook my head and smiled as I started the car engine and began to drive.

“You’re just so beautiful” I didn’t want to say she looked beautiful, because I thought she was always beautiful. Not just tonight.

“No I’m not. Anyway, where are we going?” Amie smiled and revealed her perfect set of straight white teeth. I felt my heart begin to pump out of my chest.

“You are! The grill, is that okay with you?” I grinned at her, waiting for approval, she nodded eagerly.

“Thank you” she blushed at my compliment. “I’ve never been there before, but I’ve heard Amelia say how nice it is” She giggled cutely and moved her hand. It accidentally brushed against mine which was resting on the gear stick. She hurriedly moved it.

I slowly lifted my hand off the stick and slotted my fingers in hers. I pulled both of our hands back down and rested them where mine was previously positioned.

“Here we are” I smiled when we arrived. I parked outside the door and ran round to Amie’s door to let her out. I nervously took her hand in mine and we walked through the door.

“Hi, um I have a reservation under the name ‘Sahyounie’ I think” I smiled to the waiter who was standing behind a small podium with the book of orders on it. He nodded and picked up two menus.

“Right this way” He said politely, leading us to a table at the back. The room was lit dimly and there were candles placed neatly on the table. I pulled Amie’s chair out for her and kissed her cheek gently as she sat before making my way to my own chair.

“Everything looks so good” Amie scanned over the menu, as did I. Our eyes occasionally met as we both looked at each other, she blushed as I caught her looking at me. I laughed quietly behind my menu.

“Can I get you any drinks?” The waiter asked as he flicked to a fresh page in his small, scruffy pad.

“Um, I’ll have a white wine please” Amie smiled, before flicking her eyes back to the menu to decide.

“I’ll have a beer please, thanks mate” I said as he walked away towards the bar. “So what you gonna’ have?” I asked her trying to make conversation.

“Think I’m going to have the grilled chicken salad, you?” She smiled and I scanned my eyes over the menu, she laughed as I crumpled up my face in choice.

“Um, I will have. I will have, I will have the, um, the steak” I finally made my choice and placed my menu back down on the table just as the waiter returned with our drinks, he took our orders and once again walked away.

“So how’s the new job going?” I was intrigued to know considering she had quite a high profile job.

“It’s amazing. I love it, I never expected going from working as a receptionist to this” She laughed and took a sip of her drink as I did with mine. “How’s the Janoskians?” I laughed as she asked.

“Could I ask for a better job? It’s not even a job is it, it’s so fun. On Wednesday we’re going over to Sydney, our label needs to talk to us. I just hope it’s not bad news, because that would be a bit shit” We both laughed and Amie shook her head.

“So, you’re saying if you lost your job and everything you’ve worked for, it would be a bit shit” she laughed and I blushed.

“Ok, sorry little miss perfect” I winked, taking a huge gulp of my drink. This date was going perfectly. I stared at Amie her mouth was resembling a perfect O.

“Amie, stop being so dirty, we can’t do that in here. Close your mouth!” I pretended to be shocked and threw myself back in my seat. She realised what I’d said and threw her hand over her mouth.

“Yeah, you wish you’d be so lucky to get one of those off me” She winked back and turned her eyes away to her drink. Wow.

~Amie’s outfit for anyone who wants to know~

Dress -


Shoes -

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