Chapter 20:

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One month later

“Amelia, are you ready?” Luke shouted as he walked into my house. It was the day of Tora’s wedding and we were set to be leaving to the church. Gina and I had headed into town early that morning and got our hair and make-up done.

I patted down my sky blue strapless maxi dress that flowed out slightly around the hips and bunched together on the left side, a few little clear blue diamantes’ were positioned around the sweet heart neckline. I placed on the same shoes I wore for Christmas and headed downstairs.

“Hello gorgeous” Luke wolf whistled and spun me under his arm.

“Looking rather handsome there Luke” I gestured to Luke who was wearing a grey suit with a white shirt and a black tie with clean black shoes. He was wearing exactly the same as Jai and Beau, I noticed that when I stepped outside and saw the rest of the family. Apart from Beau’s tie was sky blue, like my dress how cliché and Jai’s was coral matching Gina’s outfit which was adorable.

“Why is it we always match?” I laughed pointing to the tie Beau was wearing, he laughed and shrugged.

“Great minds think alike” he laughed and walked over to hug me. “You look beautiful, Amelia” he mumbled down my ear, making my knees want to collapse.

I smiled and turned to Gina who had a fascinator in her hair to match her dress, her shoes were the same colour as her dress and she had a white blazer over the top of it. She looked extremely suited for a wedding.

We placed our bags in the car and headed off to the Church. The reception of the wedding was also a hotel so we decided to stay the night. As we approached the venue, people were coming from all directions to witness the marriage.

Gina parked up and we all jumped out of the car and headed towards the church. Gina and the twins walked ahead with Beau and I following close behind, he grabbed my hand and I smiled up at him as butterflies escaped their cage in my stomach. We entered the church and walked to a free pew and waited for the ceremony to begin.

The priest walked in and motioned us all to stand for the arrival of the bride. The groom stood nervously by the altar and looked over his shoulder waiting to catch a glimpse of his soon to be wife.

Tora walked through the doors and a mixture of gasps and aw’s filled the church, she looked beautiful. Her dark hair was pulled back in its parting and was in a pretty bun on the back of her head. Each piece of hair looked like it had been positioned in a precise place and each piece made the design look more beautiful. Her make-up was defined and princess like. The clean white dress was figure hugging instead of a meringue style; it had ivory flowers sewn down the left hand side. It was a mature dress but suited her perfectly. It was never something I’d go for, but all the same it was breath taking.  She had a veil falling down the front of her face and held lilies in her hands tied together with an ivory bow. Her father linked her arm and blinked away the tears that were threatening to fall from his eyes.

The groom stood looking at her walking down the aisle looking like the happiest man in the world, his smile grew wider as she got closer and he let the tears escape his eyes. He grabbed her hands as she reached him and mouthed to her ‘you look beautiful’ I felt Beau grab my hand as we sat to watch the ceremony.

Afterwards they walked into a little room with only the bridesmaids, the ushers and the parents of the couple to sign the register. Gina was sat talking to her mother, they were both wiping away their tears and Jai and Luke were talking to some of their cousins. Beau was still sat with his hand firmly in mine.

“The ceremony was beautiful” I said to him wiping away a stray tear, he turned and smiled at me.

“It was, wasn’t it” his eyes were glistening from the tears that hadn’t yet escaped. Everyone in the church had been well and truly touched by the meaningful vows and the words of the couple.

When the couple arrived back from signing the register they walked back down the aisle looking happier than ever. The bridesmaids and ushers followed them in couples, when they had left the church everyone began to file out.

We stood in the beautiful yard of the church as the sun shone down on us, the photographers were snapping pictures. I was stood by a willow tree with Beau, we were facing each other and were both laughing at a past memory we shared, I felt the flash of a camera on us and turned my head to see the photographer.

“That’s true love right there” she smiled and then walked away leaving an awkward atmosphere hovering around Beau and I.

After the bride and groom had left in the wedding car and everyone had showered them in confetti, we left to the reception where there would be plenty more photos and the wedding breakfast would be served.

We pulled up outside the posh hotel where workers were waiting at the open glass doors with trays of champagne at the ready; each glass had a strawberry slotted neatly on the top.

We each walked through, amazed by the beauty of the place. The castle like double doors were propped open revealing the round tables, each of which had around 10 chairs dotted around and name cards to inform each guest of where they were to be seated. The chairs were covered in white cloths and a large ivory ribbon was tied around each cloth to fit the colour scheme of the wedding. There was a long table at the head of the room which was the top table for the bride and groom, the best man, chief bridesmaid and their parents; it was positioned by the tall windows which revealed the gardens of the hotel. The beautiful flower beds were filled with vibrant colours and there was a fountain placed in the middle of the grass.

Each of us made our way back through the castle like doors and continued walking deeper into the hotel, there was another room where the doors where propped open, it was the room where everyone would head after the wedding breakfast- the room where the after party would be held and where the evening guests would arrive. In it was tables and a giant dance floor, the room was decorated beautifully and elegantly.  The bar was posh and clean, unlike bars in most places. I was just about to explore deeper into the room and go and see the cake when Beau pulled on my arm.

“Come with me” he whispered, I did as I was told and followed him to the final doors at the back of the hotel, they were large glass doors like at the front, he pushed one of them open and we both made our way through.

We were stood at the front of the gardens on the beautiful pebbled patio before the grass started, he pulled me closer towards the grass, I gestured him to stop walking while I pulled my shoes off to avoid the heels sinking into the mud beneath the grass. When I was done he held out his hand and took mine in his, he led me past the fountain and down to the bottom of the gardens where the walls were covered in vines and beautiful pink flowers. However, you couldn’t touch the walls as before it ran a beautiful little stream, it was like being in a fairy tale.

“It’s so beautiful here” I bent down and splashed the water with my hand. Beau settled down next to me.

“There’s something I still need to tell you, Amelia” I took my hand out of the water and ensured I didn’t put it near my dress. I stood up straight and Beau did the same. He looked around to make sure no-one was there before beginning. “I, Amelia, I am so, um I” he was once again cut off.

“Beau, Amelia, we’re all getting seated for the speeches and food” Luke shouted from the glass doors. Beau sighed loudly and muttered something under his breath.

“What is it?” I asked, pulling him back as he started to walk off.

“It doesn’t matter, forget it” he smiled and led me back through the doors and to our seats around one of the large tables where Gina, Luke, Jai and their Nonna were already sat

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