Chapter Fifteen:

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After my date with Calum, Gina had insisted I had to go round for dinner, so we planned it for two weeks to that day, unfortunatelty for me, those two weeks had passes and I was heading over there for dinner, which meant I had to see Beau. I hadn't seen him since the argument and I didn't want to. 

“Hey gorgeous girl" Luke smiled, hugging me as he opened the door. "I haven't seen you in a while, it's been weird without you"

“I know I've just been busy" I lied, he nodded and welcomed me into the house. Luke headed into the living room where I obediently followed. As soon as I entered the room Beau left, Luke stared at me in confusion I just shrugged. I was glad he was gone, I was still furious with him from the night in the club.

“Amelia, you okay babe, heard anymore from that hunk of yours, what was he called?" Gina cooed as she walked towards me, kissing my cheek and wrapping me in his arms. I enjoyed her hugs, they were motherly and warm, they made me feel safe.

“Oh Calum, yeah we've been talking over the phone and stuff and we're going for a drink Friday night” Gina and I took a seat on the sofa and began chatting about him. Luke surprised me by not rolling his eyes but joining in and listening intently to everything I had to say about Calum.

Once that coversation topic died down, Gina jumped in with another. “Do you have any plans for Christmas?”. A huge grin forming across her and Luke’s face. My eyes flicked between each of them before I answered.

“Yes actually, my friend emailed me the other day with her flight times, she will be here in just over  two weeks and she'll be here for a month, we'll be spending Christmas together, probably with a pizza because none of us can cook" I giggled and Luke laughed too.

“Well I'd like to invite you both come over to my mother's with us” Gina smiled and rubbed my hand in hers. I shook my head and looked at the floor, I really didn’t want to intrude and I really didn’t want to be around Beau.

“No Gina, You do enough for me. Enjoy Christmas with your family” I insisted, trying to get out of going with them, but she was having none of it. There was no way I could change her mind, even Luke was backing her up. I shook my head and laughed. I loved them to pieces.

Around an hour later I was still sat over at Gina’s. I was sat in the twin’s room with them both, Jia and I were sitting on the bottom bunk and Luke was placing a dvd in the player, he then himself on us. I loved each and every one of these boys so much, without them I don’t know what I’d do. Even Beau, I loved him for how much he’d helped me, but I hated him for what he'd done to me.

I began feeling sentimental and thinking about what this family had actually done to me, I thought of Gina. I couldn’t even begin to explain what she had done for me and I’d never be able to repay her. She now played a motherly role in my life, not that she’d ever replace my own Mum. 

 "Amelia, where are you?" I heard Gina's voice echo in the house, I left the twins room and walked towards the living area where she was sitting. "Oh there you are" she smiled as I entered the room and sat down next to her, "I need to ask, has something happened between you and Beau? You two haven't even looked each other in the eye tonight". 

I looked away from her, I wanted to lie but I couldn't, I couldn't bring myself to lie to the woman who had taken me in as her own. "Yes. He hurt me Gina, in ways I never thought he could" I nodded my head and tears fell from my eyes as I thought of the words he spat at me. 

"What's he done darling?" I felt like such a tell-tale, I was 18 and telling a woman what her 20 year old son had done to me. I shook it off and tried to fathom the words to tell her what had happened. 

"Things haven't been the same with Beau and I for a while, but it was a few weeks ago when it all kicked off. We were all out together, we were in a club and we hadn't spoke all night, we'd been staying out of each other's way. That's the night I met Calum, the group I was with decided to leave the club, so he and I exchanged numbers and I left, following Beau, Skip and their friends out.         We began to walk to another club and I was lagging behind the group, Beau came over to me and basically started an argument because I didnt want to talk to him, he got angry and said things I never thought he'd say"

Gina's face was painted with shock and worry, "What did he say to you?"

"He told me all he wanted was a decent shag, not all the drama that comes with me. Gina, he told me no-one will ever want me because I'm so fucked up" I began to cry and I couldn't hold it back, reliving it brought all the hurt back.

"I'm going to kill him, I'm going to kill that boy" she spat, standing up and marching towards his room. I could hear her screaming at him. Shouting and telling him she raised no son of hers to treat a girl like that, he had been taught how to respect and love a lady. 

I felt awkward enough as it was, so I took the oppourtunity to grab my stuff and quietly leave the house. I headed back to mine and locked the door behind me, I closed all of the curtains and headed upstairs incase one of the Brooks' followed me. I put my earphones in and drowned everything out. 

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