Chapter Eight:

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“Beau” My mum shouted me from the living room. I groaned and slumped out of my room and plodded down the stairs. I stalked along the cold laminate floor as I reached the bottom and answered as I did.

“Yes?” my voice croaked. i hadn't spoken yet today as I'd been curled up comfortably in bed  until now. 

“Come here a minute babe” I sighed and walked into the room where her voice rung from. I stood in the opening of the doorway and raised my eyebrows as a signal for her to speak. “Where’s Amelia been these past few days? We’ve seen nothing of her recently” she asked concerned, rubbing her left hand over her flushed cheeks

“How should I know?” I snapped unexpectedly. I really didn't feel like talking about Amelia right now, the whole situation was enough to give me a headache. Did I like her? Didn't I like her? I don't know everything was so confusing. 

“Watch your tone with me, just because you're 19, it doesn't mean you can talk to me like that” she warned threateningly. “Has anything happened between you two that I should know about?” I watched as my mum straightened her posture and looked at me disapprovingly, she could read me like a book.

“No” I avoided her glare; she could always tell when I was lying. I knotted my brow and stared at the wall, hoping this conversation would end. 

“I know you’re hiding something from me” she sighed, placing the open magazine which was positioned on her lap on the arm of the chair and crossing her arms across her chest. 

“I am almost 20 Mum; I’m allowed to have personal things in life” I grunted, slamming my head against the door frame in frustration. Why couldn't she just leave it, she didn't need to know every single fucking detail of my life.

“Not when it involves that girl, I care for her like I do you; I want to know what’s happened” she stood up and faced me, she looked stern and determined to retrieve an answer from me. I hesitated as I thought of how I really felt deep down inside. I shouldn’t be telling my mum this, but her facial expression softened as she saw me breaking.

“Beau, what is it?” she sighed, pulling me onto the sofa next to her as she sat again. I sat down next to her and inhaled a deep breath. 

“I think I'm in love with her” I sighed. I knew I sounded ridiculous, I'd known the girl a few months, was that long enough to love someone properly? Probably not. But I knew I had feelings for her, strong feelings which I knew I could never pursue. 

"Then why aren't you two talking?" she asked, clearly confused by this whole thing. I sighed and looked around the room as I gathered an answer. I took a breathed heavily an began to speak. 

“I’ve liked her since I met her" I smiled as I reminisced the day I met her. "I remember seeing her at the airport and helping her with her bags- which were really fucking heavy by the way- but anyway it was just my luck that she was our new neighbour and to be honest, seeing her again felt amazing. So naturally I developed these feelings for her over time and then we kissed and I’ve never felt anything like it; when I see her, I smile and feel happy. But I know I can never be with her” I began to tear up, immediately wiping them away as I felt foolish. “Then I decided I had to get rid of those feelings, so I went to Carley, the girl Skip’s liked for about a year…”

“Oh Beau, you fucking idiot" Mum groaned, shaking her head at me. 

“I’ve spoken to Skip though and apologized. He was the one who told me Amelia had feelings for me but I ended up telling her she needs to find someone else to have feelings for, because I’m not that type of person, I don’t do relationships, I mess about with girls and that’s it, I’m a cunt. I never admitted the way I feel about her, because I can’t hurt her. I can’t get into a relationship with her and then break her heart, because that’s what will happen. That’s what always happens, I can’t trust myself and I can’t put her through that, she’s been through enough” I felt myself beginning to cry and headed for my bedroom.


Amelia’s POV

“Amelia, can you go and hang these please?” My manager asked me, handing me a bunch of clothes. I nodded and smiled, taking the load out of her hands and exiting the stock room. I worked in a clothes shop in the shopping centre, nothing special but it paid the bills along with the money my Mum left me, while I looked for something better. As I approached the racks I would be needing to hang the load in my hands, I heard an uproar coming from the back on the shop; I followed the shouting and eventually reached two people arguing.

“Sir, please get down from there, you are not authorized” my colleague spoke, clearly flustered by the situation. I rolled my eyes at her, she was always one for moaning and groaning, she could never see the funny side of anything.

“Excuse you, I’ve been working here all day” a voice I recognized spoke. My eyes jolted upwards and a smile spread across my face and I held back a chuckle which was threatening to escape. 

“Only staff are authorized to use the ladders, now get down” the girl who was named Lauren hissed at the boy. I looked towards the floor to refrain from laughing, I could feel my face going red from strain and I began fiddling with clothes hanging on the racks to take my mind off things. 

“You know what, I had worked my arse off all day and this is the fucking thanks I get" he sighed madly, stomping his foot on the metal ladder. 

“You don’t understand how easy it is for me to call security” Lauren snapped back well and truly losing her patience, I guess sooner or later I'd have to step in. "And they’ll throw you out! So let’s do this the easy way”

“We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it” he argued, stomping his feet dramatically, I couldn't hold it back anymore, I let out a laugh and Jai's eyes darted towards me along with Lauren's.

“Lauren is everything ok?” I asked avoiding Jai's amused face and staring at Lauren, chewing my cheeks to hold back a smile..

“No, I’m going to get security” she snapped, tugging her fingers through her ratty blonde extensions. I rolled my eyes and scoffed and she looked at me disapprovingly. 

"Don't bother, I'll sort it" I dismissed the stroppy girl and took a step closer to Jai who was still clinging to the ladders. “Get down you idiot” I tried not to laugh as I instructed him.

“But Amelia” he whined "We're filming" he pointed towards Luke who as holding the camera at the other end of the shop. I laughed and waved a little, Luke stuck his tongue out in response. 

“Seriously though, get down. If I get caught condoning this behaviour, I'll get the sack” I stood staring at him until he gave in and reluctantly climbed down the ladder. “Go and cause mischief elsewhere” I chuckled, kicking him bum lightly. 

“Fine” he frowned, following me as I led the way to the other boys. “You’re coming to ours tonight aren’t you?” he asked, facing me. I raised my eyebrows. "You know to dinner, my Mum wants you to come over, Beau was meant to mention it to you" My eyes darted towards Beau who was standing facing in the opposite direction trying hard to avoid my cold glare.

"He must've forgot" I spoke harshly, but then looked upon the rest of the boys cheerfully. "But dinner sounds good, what time should I head over?" I questioned, watching Beau shift uncomfortably on his feet as I agreed to join his family for dinner/

"Around 7?" Luke butted in, I nodded and turned. "Well we can see you're busy, so we'll leave you to it, sorry for the trouble" Luke smiled sweetly, I nodded and headed back towards the racks. 

“You know him?” Lauren snickered followed me, I rolled my eyes once again, this bitch really wasn't going to let this go.

“Yes, why?” I questioned, bored with all of this and just wanting to carry on working.

“If I ever fucking see him again, I’ll spit in his face, immature little prick” she spat, staring towards the door where the boys were still hovering deciding where to go and cause mayhem anyway. 

“Oh fucking hell, lighten up you bore” I laughed, carrying on hanging clothes.

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