Chapter Six

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Beau’s POV

"Mum, I'm going now, I'll be back later, love you" I shouted as I ran down the stairs and grabbed my keys off the assigned hook. I quickly fixed my hair using the hall mirror and then left my house and sprinted across to Amelia's. She opened the door wearing a little floral playsuit and some white vans, it amazed me how she could look so simple yet beautiful, her hair was brought to one side and her eyes were perfectly defined in black liner and mascara. I watched as she grabbed a denim jacket and slung it over her arm. "Ready" she laughed, walking out of her house and locking the door behind her.

“So where do you want to go?” I asked, as we proceeded to walk off her drive and onto the street. "I'll drive if you want me to, but it's a nice day so I thought we could walk" I suggested and she nodded happily.

"We can go wherever, and walkings great, might get a nice tan" she laughed looking towards the sky, squinting as her eyes met the sun. I chuckled along with her and headed us in the direction of  a small diner a few streets away.

“That meal was gorgeous, Beau, thank you” Amelia stated as we finished polishing off our meals. She pushed her plate away from her and placed her hands on her stomach. "I'm absolutely stuffed" she groaned. 

"You're more than welcome. Come on, let's pay then go for a walk, I want to show you the park"  I said excitedly, pulling her up out of the seat and towards the tills where  I paid (despite her objection and fight to pay for her own- not that her offer was accepted by me) and swiftly left.

"It's such a lovely day" she breathed, obviously shocked by how amazing Melbourne weather had been considering it wasn't even summer yet, it was only just approaching. As we entered the park I let my eyes freely scan around the beautiful scenery before I I pointed towards a tree creating a significant amout of shade.

I sat leaning against the trunk and patted the ground between my legs for Amelia to sit, she obliged and leant her back against my chest so we were both facing out towards the masses of grass and trees packed with happy families and couples. 

“My mum would’ve loved it here” Her voice cracked as she looked around the park, I craned my head slightly around her neck and managed to see her eyes glazing over with salty tears. I pulled her closer into my body and tightened my supportive grip around her body.

“She’s here, she’s with you” I soothed, rocking her within my arms. I wanted to hold her hands and kiss her and tell her that everything would be okay, but I couldn’t, I couldn’t be with her then fuck it up like I do with everyone else, I couldn’t hurt her more than she already was.

 “I know she is, but I just miss her so much” she broke and I watched as the tears dripped down her emotionless face. I couldn't even imagine the pain she was going through, she was only 18 years old and had lost everything. “Without your family, I don’t know what I’d have done here, Beau” she whispered, turning her head around to face me. 

“You’d have been fine, you’re strong” I said, desperate to fight the urges which were slowly taking over my body. I discretely inched away from her and leaned further into the tree.

“Not without you, I wouldn’t have been” she spoke, I could tell she was honest. I could see it in her eyes. I loved her eyes, her beautiful big blue eyes which usually had so much life and energy in them which is what invited me in to her. I awkwardly smiled and didn't reply.

“Thank you again for today” she muttered as we appeared back in front of our houses. "I had, um, a really good time" she said, trying to fill the silence between us.

“My pleasure” I spoke blunter than expected and a frown appeared on her face.

Amelia's POV

I sighed as I entered my house and walked towards the sofa, sinking down in the sponge material. Why was Beau acting so awkward and distant, it’s like he didn’t even want to be there today, and it hurt. After kissing me the previous night then falling asleep with me so intimately, and now  not even wanting to be around me, how can it escalate into that so quickly?

I threw my jacket down on the sofa and picked up my phone, it was only 6 o clock and I needed to nip to the supermarket to grab something in which I could made for tea later. I picked my coat back up and grabbed my purse and set back out of the door. I jumped into my car and started the engine before pulling off my drive and heading down the street. The shop wasn’t too crowded luckily, so I managed to push my trolley through the groups of people and grab everything I needed in half an hour.

“Amelia, I thought it was you!” A woman’s voice said from behind me that made me jump. I turned around hurridely and was relieved when I saw Gina. 

“Oh, hi Gina” I smiled, leaning my back against the trolley which was filled with the shopping I needed. We began conversing and sharing general chit chat, but to be honest, I really couldn't be bothered. All I wanted to do was go home, get in the bath and curl up on the sofa with some chick flicks.

“Will you be joinging us for dinner tonight?” she asked with a growing smile on her face. I hesitated before replying, but decided it would be best if I delined the offen due to the way Beau had been acting.

We eventually ended our conversation and I proceeded to the checkouts, I was relieved to finally get back into my car and drive back home. I wouldn't usually drive to the supermarket (unless I was doing my weekly shop where I couldn't carry all the bags home), but today I was just feeling extra lazy.  As I pulled back onto my street, I saw Beau walking hand in hand with a tall blonde girl. I felt a lump appear in my throat and a throbbing in my chest, so that's why he was acting so weird. 

Beau's expression turned blank as I stood out of my car and retrieved my shopping out of the boot, I glared at him giving him the iciest eyes I could. He looked to the ground and shuffled his feet uncomfortably. 

"Amelia, this is Carley” I stared at her, she was perfect. She had the biggest, brightest pair of emerald green eyes almost the same as Beau's and white blonde hair, her lips were painted neatly with lustful red lipstick and her skin was bronzed. to perfection. Her white skater dress hugged her slim body  and her white wedges were a perfect match.

I looked down at myself, my hair in a plait down my waist, in a silly playsuit and a pair of vans with next to no make-up. I looked like a child whereas she was so womanly and mature looking. I suddently felt insanely insecure and wanted to get inside pronto. 

We exchanged greetings and conversed lightly before I tried to excuse myself as politely as I could, avoiding Beau's burning gaze at all cost. For the second time today I closed the door behind me leaving Beau outside. I stumbled through to the kitchen and threw all of my shopping bags on the kitchen counter. I felt so angry, upset and betrayed yet I didn’t even know why. I wasn’t with Beau, he didn’t even know I had feelings for him, I hadn’t even admitted that to myself yet.

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