Chapter 30:

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I carefully applied the eyeliner to one of the models I was styling; I’d already done her hair. She asked for a full head colour and a trim.  My lecturer Leslie was standing close by watching with one of the visitors, I think she was called Angela and was looking for stylists to work for her, so I was trying my hardest.

“There” I smiled as I rubbed the lipstick brush along the models lips, happy with my work.  Leslie and Angela applauded and Angela smiled at me, as though happy with my work too.

“Amelia is it?” She asked as she walked over I nodded and smiled. “There are some clothing rails in the next room. I want you to go into there with this model and dress her as though she’s on a shoot for an album cover; the choice of how you dress her is completely your choice. I just want to see what you can do” I nodded excitedly and led my model into the next room. I stared at the clothes rack then up at her.

I scrunched my mouth together and chewed my lip in thought. I stared at her full fringe and short layers styled in her long bright newly-dyed red hair. The make-up was heavy around the eyes- like mine. My eyes lit up as I thought. I pulled out a pair of black high waisted disco pants and a little white crop top tee with a slightly cropped denim jacket pulled over the top. I decided on some Equestria 160 black suede ankle boots as footwear and added some gold jewellery.  I loved it. Out there, yet suttle. It looked perfect.

We walked out of the room and Angela looked extremely impressed. “Love it, love it, love it! Now let’s see what you’d do with a male” I went through the same process again but with a male model and once again Angel was chuffed.

At the end of the day, all the college students were called into a room with Angela and Leslie. “Right everyone, well done today you all did amazing! The reason Angela was here, was to find a stylist to work for her at a magazine company… and she’s found one” Leslie started.

“Yes. You were all amazing, but one person stood out for me. And that person, is the person I want to come and work for me” I could tell everyone in the room was itching in anticipation as Angela finished her sentence.

“Amelia Lake, you were outstanding today. I’d love you to come work with my crew. You’ll mainly be working alongside the photographer Amie Kerr. Deciding on how you want the set to look like so the celebs you’ll be styling fit in with the shoot” My mouth dropped open as my name was called out. I jumped from the seat I was sat in as the other students applauded me. AND I WOULD GET TO WORK WITH AMIE, OH MY GOD.

“Really? Me!” I yelped. Angela laughed and nodded her head.

“Absolutely, you start next month”

Shit. How was I meant to do this with a baby on the way.


~3 days later~

“Amelia, are you ready?” Amie shouted softly from downstairs. My heart was beating ten to the dozen. Today was the day we were going to pick the boys up from the airport- which also meant it was time to tell Beau that in 3 months we would have a baby.

“Yeah” I replied back, my voice was dry and my eyes were puffy.  I tugged the sleeves of Beau’s hoody down over my arms and adjusted my leggings. I tied the laces on my vans and headed downstairs. My hair hung messily in a ponytail and my face was clear of make-up.

“Come on, it’s all going to be okay” I looked at the floor and Amie grabbed my hand, she led me sympathetically out of the house and into the car.  I belted myself up and waited to start the journey.

“I can’t believe you’re pregnant” Amie said, almost sounding excited. I widened my eyes and shook my head. I couldn’t either. “You’re going to be an amazing Mum, Amelia”

My eyes began to water, if I was anything like my Mum was, I knew I would be. I just wanted Beau to feel the same as I did.  “I hope so” I smiled lightly. It was the first time I’d smiled in days.

“We’re going to have to get shopping and decorate the extra room” Amie giggled excitedly and I joined in. Maybe I was ready to be a parent. The extra room was currently a dining room in my house. It was never used as we usually ate in the living room or on the stools around the kitchen island. We’d decided that Amie would move into the downstairs room and the upstairs room would be the babies. Both rooms were similar sizes; the only difference was that the baby would be closer to me upstairs.

“Amie, stop! You’re getting me excited about becoming a mum at 18” I laughed and before I knew it we were parked outside of the airport. My nerves returned and my hands began to shake, Amie linked my arm and gave me a calming smile, we walked into the airport and headed through to baggage claim.

The boys plane had already landed by the time we had arrived in baggage, but they still hadn’t shown their faces inside. I turned to say something to Amie when I was cut off.

“Amelia!” Beau’s voice shouted warmly behind me, I turned round. My face was still red and my eyes were puffy and watering. I tried to fake a smile, but he didn’t buy it. As he saw my face, he dropped his bags and ran over to me with a worried look plastered on his face. “Amelia, what is it?” He demanded, throwing his arms protectively.

“Beau, I, I, I’m. We’re um, we’re going to. I” I couldn’t seem to get my words out. Beau stared at me, his eyes burning into me, begging me to go on. “Beau, I’m 6 months pregnant” I sighed. His face dropped and he froze. Just the reaction I dreaded.

He went to speak but no words escaped from his mouth. I handed him the scan picture, he stared at it for around a minute. By this time Gina, Amie and the rest of the boys were standing behind us, Amie being the only one knowing what was going on.

I waited for him to speak, but he didn’t. Instead he dropped the scan picture on the floor and ran, he ran faster than I’d ever saw him run before. My heart shattered into a million pieces and I fell to the floor. I picked up the scan picture and held it to my chest as I broke out into hysterical tears. I heard the screams as Beau ran past the fans.

“Come on” Luke said, he picked me up bridal style in his arms and cradled me. He kissed my head and carried us out to where their fans stood.

I cried into his chest and Jai walked over next to us, he placed his hand over my face to prevent any fans getting snaps of me in this state as we walked past them all.

“I’m so sorry guys, but we can’t stop and meet you today. We have an emergency, just remember we love you all so much and yeah! We’ll make it up to you” James shouted to the fans. The questions immediately began ‘Is Amelia ok?’ ‘What’s happened to, Beau?’ Skip ran after us with Beau’s bag slung over his shoulder, coming to protect the other side of me from being snapped by a camera.

“We’ll get a ride with you Amie, Mum can you drop Skip and James off?” Jai asked Gina, she nodded and we got into the cars. Beau was already clear out of sight. He’d probably gone to the train station to get away from us. Jai got in the front with Amie and Luke sat in the back with me, holding me in his arms for the entire ride.

“Whatever’s happened, it’s going to be okay. We love you” he whispered into the side of my head, his warm breath soothed me. I hadn’t yet shown the scan picture to any of the others or even let them know I was pregnant. I just shook my head into his chest and began to cry harder.

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