Chapter Fourteen:

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Sipping from my coffee cup, I flicked through the magazine in front of me, some of the stories were so sickening. It made me feel lucky to lead the life I did. I was interrupted by my phone beeping on the table. I picked it up and scrunched my face at the unrecognizable number.

I unlocked the phone and opened up the text.

Hey Amelia,

It's Calum. I was wondering if you wanted to meet up later today? We could get a coffee or something. Let me know X 

My thumbs hovered over the keyboard. Did I really want to meet up with a boy I met when I was drunk on a night out? It would probably be awkward and I most likely wouldn't find him as good looking as I did when I was drunk. I hesitated, but took a deep breath and proceeded to type.

I'd love to,

I'll meet you at Castello's later on, would around five-thirty be okay for you? X

He agreed and we were set to meet at the cafe. I nestled down into the sofa and my head began to pound. I was beyond confused. I couldn't deny that I'd felt something for Beau that I’d never felt for anyone, but I hadn't spoke to him since the argument, and I didn't intend to. He said things to me that I never thought he'd be cruel enough to say. 

I thought things through for at least ten minutes before giving up and walking through to my bathroom. I began to fill up the bathtub (adding my favourite lotions). Once it was filled, I climbed in and my body soaked into the warm water. I closed my eyes and indulged in the feeling of complete peace.

I felt relaxed and optimistic about my date once I'd gotten out of the bath, it's like I'd temporarily washed away my stress and was free; I had no burdens. I began searching for something to wear, we were only going to a cafe, so it didn't have to be anything fancy. I settled on a light grey smock dress, I didn't need a jacket as the sleeves came to just before the elbow anyway. 

After drying my hair, I heaved it up into a messy bun so some strands of hair fell loose from the bobble. I added minimal makeup and pulled on my clean white vans. I checked myself over in the mirror and thanked god for the Australian sun, it had only just started coming out in Melbourne more frequently as we approached the summer season, but my legs already looked bronzed so I didn't have to fake tan.

I spritzed some perfume over me and applied some of my favourite dark plum lipstick. I grabbed my phone and white Michael Kors purse, before heading out of the house and in the direction of the train station. I would've drove, but parking in the city centre was a nightmare. 

The train was almost empty, I took a seat in a quiet carriage and plugged in my earphones. My head bobbed along to the music and the journey was soon over. I stepped down onto the platform and walked in the direction of Castellos. I checked my appearance in the windows of shops as I walked past. The doorway of the cafe came into sight and the butterflies in my stomach erupted. 

Walking in, my eyes uncontrollably searched around the room in hope to see Calum, but it seems I had arrived first. I made my way to an empty table for two and ordered a caramel latte for while I waited. My eyes glued to the door and I hoped every person that walked through the door would be Calum. 

Finally my eyes clamped down on him and my breath hitched. He was even more gorgeous than I remembered. His hair was a light brown and the curly fringe had hints of blonde. His skin was olive and his teeth were perfectly straight and pearly white. He had an eyebrow piercing on his left side.

"Hey" I smiled as he caught sight of me and came over to take a seat. "How are you?" 

"I'm good thank you" he grinned and leaned across the table and kissed me lightly on the cheek, I was overwhelmed by the indulging scent of his cologne. "You look gorgeous". I blushed and he settled back into his seat.

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