Chapter 28:

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~Amelia's POV~

“Miss Lake” The receptionist shouted into the waiting room. I stood and Amie grabbed my hand, I’d never seen this doctor before so I didn’t know what to expect. “Please make your way to room 5” was shouted gently.

 “Come on” Amie smiled reassuringly and led me through the double doors to all the separate rooms. It took us a while because of all the different corridors, but we finally found room 5. I knocked nervously and my entrance was welcomed. I sat on the seat next to the doctor and Amie sat on one next to the door.

 “So Miss Lake, what seems to be the problem?” The man smiled at me gently, he was quite old. I’d say about 60. He was quite plump, but was dressed smartly in a suit. He had short white hair combed nearly into a parting on his head and clean shaved skin. He reminded me of my granddad.

 “Well, for the past 5 months I’ve been suffering from severe sickness and I haven’t been myself at all. My periods have been really strange, they’ve barely even been periods, I’ve just bled on random days and it hasn’t been a lot at all.  Also recently I’ve been experiencing rather bad back pain in my lower back. I’ve felt extremely bloated and keep having weird sensations that I don’t quite know how to describe in my stomach” The doctor listened intently as I spoke, I started to cringe and hesitate as I spoke about my periods, but he just simply smiled and gestured for me to proceed, he made me feel comfortable.

 “May I just listen to your heartbeat?” I nodded and he grabbed the stethoscope and positioned it on my chest. “Breathe in” he instructed, I did. “and out” he listened intently and continued to ask me to breath in and out before moving the end of the stethoscope to my back and doing the same.

 "Please may you lie on the examination bed?” He asked gently, I nodded and nervously walked over, he must have sensed my nerves “Don’t be scared. I just want to take caution and check considering you’ve been ill for such a long period of time” he smiled.

 I lay down and the doctor began to prod around my stomach, scrunching his eyes as he thought. I stared over at Amie, she gave me a reassuring smile and nodded motioning me to stay calm.

 “Right then Amelia” The doctor stood upright and I sat up on the bed. I waited for him to tell me the problem or prescribe me some drugs. “I’m going to send you to the hospital for some tests and a scan, the hospital will go from there as I think tests should go further than this” he smiled and began to print some forms off on the computer that I would need.

 “Doctor is it something serious?” I panicked. Amie had rushed to my aid and was holding my hand supportively. 

 “It’s merely just a precaution. We want to get you back to your normal self, because it’s clear you haven’t been well and we need to find out why” he handed me the forms with a gentle smile, I could tell there was something he wasn’t telling me, but I’d find out soon enough at the hospital. I took the forms and said thank you before leaving with Amie at my side.

 “Come on, let’s get you to the hospital” she smiled. I could tell she was worried. I shook my head and she stared at me confused.

 “You don’t have to take me, don’t feel you have too” I smiled weakly, wanting her to take me really but feeling guilty.

 “Stop being a knob head and get in the car” she laughed. I raised my eyebrows and took a seat in the car. Amie jumped in and drove us to the hospital, which took around 45 minutes.

 New Message: To Beau x

So, I um went to the doctors and I’m being transferred to hospital, Amie’s driving me, I have no idea what’s going on. Should I let you know as soon as I find out? Hope Sydney’s going good, I love you x x x

 New Message: From Beau x

Oh my god, Amelia. Do you want me to come home? I’ll get the next plane back and ask to reschedule, let me know what’s wrong asap! I’m about to go in the meeting with Sony now unless you want me home? I love you too baby, with everything I have x x x

 New Message: To Beau x

Don’t be stupid, you need to be there. I have Amie, I’ll see you Saturday ok? I’ll let you know what’s going on. I miss you x x x

 I stared out of the window as we flew down the main road. Amie turned up the radio to cheer me up, music always had that effect on me, didn’t it to everyone?

 Amie looked at me and I looked at her before we burst out singing along to U.N.I by Ed Sheeran. For the rest of the car journey I felt relatively happy and forgot about my nerves. But they all came flooding back as we pulled into the car park of the hospital.

 I took a deep breath and picked up the forms. I climbed out of the car and Amie linked my arm and led me towards the entrance doors. “It’s going to be okay, don’t worry” Amie said confidently.                                          

 I wasn’t so sure. I headed into the doors and gave the forms to the receptionist; she read them carefully and searched my details on the computer in front of her.

 “Okay. Make your way down the corridor, take the third door to your left and as you walk along you’ll find a waiting room, hand this into them and take a seat” She smiled and handed me a new form. I said thank you and headed off in the direction she told me.

 I walked through the doors and handed my form in at the desk there. The receptionist there smiled and me and told me to take a seat, I took one with Amie when a girl ran over to me.

 “Amelia, right?” she grinned. I smiled at her and said hello. “I’m Ebony, I’m a huge Janoskiantor” she laughed.

 “Oh hi, it’s nice to meet you” I giggled. Ebony looked around 9. I asked her if she was okay considering we were in a hospital.

 “I have a brain tumour” she shrugged as though she was used to the idea by now. My hand threw itself over my mouth. “I’m waiting for my scan to see how it’s doing”

 “I’m so sorry” I said sympathetically. “But I’m sure you’re a very strong young woman” I smiled gently at her and she smiled back.

 “So what’s wrong with you, are you pregnant?” She grinned up at me. I began to laugh and shook my head.

 “No, no, no! I don’t even know what’s wrong myself, that’s why I’m here” I shrugged. We began to talk until the girl named was called out, she asked me to tell the boys she loved them, especially Beau. “Good luck” I smiled to her and she smiled back before following her mum into the room.

 An hour passed and my name was finally called, I hopped up with Amie by my side. I just hope the tests after this wouldn’t take long.

 I walked into one of the scan rooms and lay on the bed. Each of the scan rooms had different equipment for different scans. I lay on the bed and the nurse squeezed cold gel onto my stomach, she began to rub the scanner along my stomach. I flinched at the coldness.

 The nurse fiddled around for a while eyeing up the screen very careful, Amie and I both also had our eyes fixed to the little screen.

 “Miss Lake” the doctor spoke clearly as though she had found something.

 “Yes?” I spoke nervously. Amy clutched my hand the way she had for the majority of the day. The nurse turned the screen to us and I froze. So did Amie. I couldn’t even believe what was in front of me.

 “Miss Lake, you’re 25 weeks pregnant. Did you not know?”

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