Chapter 29:

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The ride home was in complete silence. I occasionally wiped a dripping tear and stared down at my scan picture. How was I six months pregnant, most women find out within their first few weeks, not at 25 weeks? This couldn’t be happening to me, not now, not while I was 18. I didn’t even have a proper job.

Don’t get me wrong, I wanted children, children with Beau. But I wasn’t ready, we both weren’t ready. I was too young and Beau was too busy with the Janoskians to worry about a child.

We pulled up on the drive of our house in Amie’s car and parked carefully behind mine. I got out and quietly shut the car door. Amie unlocked the house and I walked straight in and up the stairs.

Lala barked and bounced around as we entered. I had agreed to look after her while the Janoskians and Gina were away in Sydney. I didn’t react to her, I just carried on walking and she followed at my feet.

I threw myself gently on my bed and lay there staring at the ceiling. A million thoughts flew through my mind at one thousand miles per hour. Lala jumped up and rested her head on my stomach. I stroked her slowly and her tail began to wag.

Amie didn’t bother me for the rest of the night, she understood I needed time. The only time she came in my room was to hand me a tray of soup and buttered bread, which of course I didn’t eat. I just had no appetite.

I placed one hand softly onto my slightly rounded stomach and began to gently rub. How did I not realise that those ‘weird sensations’ was really my baby kicking me. I sighed heavily and began to think of Beau’s reaction. I couldn’t help but feel petrified about it.


The next morning I awoke feeling weak and tired. I hadn’t slept much, about 3 hour’s tops.

I climbed from the warm bed and headed towards the bathroom where I switched on the shower and waited patiently for the water to turn lukewarm. I removed my underwear and Beau’s t-shirt that I’d slept in and positioned myself under the relaxing downfall.

College was the last place I wanted to be today, but that woman was coming in so I guess I had to be there. Sluggishly, I entered my room wrapped in towels and opened my wardrobe doors. After a long decision, I settled on a knee length plum bodycon skirt and a white chiffon collared blouse with studs on the collar corners and the sleeve cuffs.

Before dressing myself, I perched on the end of my bed and dried my dripping wet hair. I decided to leave in the natural waves but pull it all back into a rough, volumised ponytail. I added a light layer of foundation and powder and then defined my eyes in dark eye shadow and liquid eyeliner. I added some light lip gloss and popped my lips together to spread it.

I removed the towel from my now dry body and looked at myself in the mirror. I ran my hands over the small bump. For 6 months pregnant, I really wasn’t big. But the midwife told me not to worry.

“Shit sake Amelia, how are you going to manage to raise a child” I mumbled to myself as I pulled my clothes on. I sighed and tucked the blouse into the skirt and pulled on my clean white vans.

“Amelia” I heard Amie say softly from outside my bedroom door. I smiled to myself.

“Come in” I replied, she opened the door and came in. She smiled gently to me and sat on the edge of the bed. I placed my hand on my stomach and shrugged.

Amie exhaled loudly. “Breakfast is downstairs for you, come on” We smiled at each other. I leant over the bed to grab my IPhone off the bedside table and sprayed some perfume onto my neck and wrists before heading downstairs after Amie.

I looked at the kitchen island where there were dippy eggs and soldiers; it used to be my favourite when I was a kid. “I haven’t had that in like, forever” I chuckled slightly and shook my head.

“Me either” Amie laughed back through a mouthful of her own. I took a seat and began to dip the toast soldiers into the eggs.

My chewed fussily, not really wanting to eat it. “Amelia” Amie said sternly. “You need to eat, you’re pregnant!” she scolded me and pushed my plate closer to me. I sighed loudly and began to pick around.

“How the hell am I going to raise a child in this place?” My eyes began to water as I began to think. This house wasn’t even big enough. There was one two bedrooms, one was mine, one was Amie’s and it’s not like Beau was going to be around, his career was just kicking off internationally and I’d soon be forgotten as much as I didn’t want to believe it.

“I’ll move out” Amie shrugged. I couldn’t let her do that, she’d only just come here and she still didn’t have enough money. I shook my head ferociously.

“No! You’re not leaving. I need you more than ever” My pleads cut off as I tried to think of a solution for this. “I know, we’ll change the dining room into a new bedroom, it’s not like we use it. We use this bloody island!” I laughed as I pointed towards the door opposite us which led into the dining room.

“Are you sure? I mean won’t you want it when you’re older and the baby’s grown up and you’re having family round for Christmas?” It hit me like a brick when Amie said family. I thought of my Mum, my grandparents, even my dad despite how much I resented him for what he did.

“You’re my family, Amie” I half-heartedly smiled. “You’re my sister” she grinned back and held my hand lightly over the table.

“So, anyway you, we never got to talk about you and Skip. How was the date?” I waggled my eyebrows as I swallowed my last piece of eggy toast.

“It was really good” Amie blushed like a little girl and turned all giddy, I couldn’t help but laugh. I raised my eyebrows, gesturing for her to tell me more. “I like him okay” she giggled like a school girl.

“Aw, really?” I cooed as I poured the fresh boiled water into the mugs I’d just placed coffee granules in. She nodded.

“Yeah, he’s so goofy and cute… and a really good kisser” she winked and ran back off to her room to get dressed before I could question her further.

I laughed and slipped the plates into the dishwasher, then ran to brush my teeth before grabbing my car keys and heading off to college. 

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