Game Day Pt. 1:

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I stood in the airport watching Claudia, Lilly and Kim's plane take flight. JoJo had somehow made it happen and I was watching from a distance making sure everything was okay. Kim didn't look to much better than she did yesterday but I didn't press it, I knew she would open up to Claudia over their vacation and she would tell me Wasup.

After seeing the plane take off down the runway I sent the text to Lo and David letting them know my group was off. Lo was somewhere around here watching Meeka and the girls and David was watching from a distance. He texted me back they had just boarded the plane and I nodded at JoJo who walked over to me. We still hadn't located Nae but she kept in touch with him frequently so he was settled. Everybody who wasn't drilling with us was away and we felt confident. Leaving the building me and JoJo waited in my Bentley. I couldn't help but think about Kim but I shook that though to the side. "You ight pops?"

"Yeah I'm straight, you good?" He nodded. "Long as you straight I'm straight." He smiled a lil bit dapping me up.

"This father shit wasn't cut out for you pops but you got a good grip on it now, all the shit I talked before I didn't mean, thanks for stepping up as that parent in my life."

"That's what I'm here for boy." Lo sent me a message saying the plane left and they were leaving the building. I showed JoJo and we whipped out the parking lot heading to the warehouse.

When we pulled up we seen the crew loading the trucks we were taking. Me and Joseph hopped out and entered the building I headed up to my office while JoJo exchanged conversation with some of the guys.


After a while Uncle Lo and David pulled up and entered the building. I climbed on a table and called for everyone's attention.

"Ladies, Gentlemen, your undivided attention here please, thank you. Now I hope you did as told and ship your Wives and children to the next place because tonight it all goes down. As you all know we are about to go in head first against some of everyone at the gala tonight. We are completely blind we don't know who's gonna show up and what their capable off so DONT let your guard down for ANYTHING. Some of you will be working the floor others will be guest, however everyone is required to keep an eye and ear out. If you hear anything tell one of us immediately. There will be legit guest and people surrounding us so make sure everything is authentic people, anybody can hind in this environment.  Now let's get serious, you could loose your life tonight, anything could happen to any one of us but as a team we are in this together ight? Anybody wanna object now, cold feet? Cause BP will gladly put you out your misery. None? Okay cool. However if you do die on our hands tonight your familia will be taken care of with protection and finance. Ladies and gentlemen tonight is game day, suit up properly.
Cause if we riding together.
We dying together."

My team started making some noise as I hopped off the table and moved through the crowd up the stairs. My dad was standing there smiling looking at me. "What about you? Cold feet."

"Nah I'm ready for this shit,"

"JoJo-" we moved out the way in the cut. "-like you said, anything can happen tonight and I want you to know that if anything happens to me don't hold no grudges, keep moving on with your life. I'm proud of the son I raised and I wouldn't trade yo bean head ass for nothing in this world. I love you kid don't ever forget that shit, ight?" I nodded rapidly and hugged him. He hugged me back and we stood there for a while embracing one another. "I love you too pops." I pulled away looking at him. I had become so much like Ja it's crazy. We shook up and I checked my watch. "I'm finna head up to the hospital and check on moms, I'll be back when it's time to head out ."

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