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The morning rushed in and I had to panic to get ready for school. I took a quick shower cause them kids will talk about you. I put on a new fit that I pulled from my closet and walked down the hall to my dads room, I knocked on the door but it just crept open. My dad wasn't in there but Bri was, knocked out. I laughed cause this was deja vú of the first day I met her. I knocked on Uncle J door and it crept open Jason wasn't in there but she was and that time she was topless. I laughed and rushed downstairs.

Walking in the kitchen I threw two pieces of bread in the toaster and grabbed a box of microwaveable sausages out the freezer and turned them on. I waited on the microwave while looking down at my phone.

After a while the toaster popped and the microwave stopped all in sync. I threw the food on the bread and dropped the plate in the sink walking in the living room.

When I finally paid attention ahead of me my mother was sitting on the couch with her head in her hands.

"Ma?" She looked up and wiped her face licking her already whitened lips and moving her hair behind her ear trying to look presentable I guess. She spoke, "JoJo .. umm hey baby, ho-how are you."

"I'm good, What you doing here? How you get here? Are you staying? How you been?" I sat down next to her and just hugged her ranting a thousand questions all at once. I sat the sandwich on the table and focused solidly on her and her only.

She laughed lightly touching the side of my face. "JoJo, my baby boy,-" she admired me for a minute as I stared at her eyes. "-I'm fine baby."

"No you not ma. Come on now I know for a fact your not okay, look at you."

"JoJo what you doing here ain't you suppose to be at school?"

"Yeah I just stopped to talk to my mama for a second."

"Ight. You gone be late."

I looked at the watch on my wrist. "Yeah you right, I'll talk to you later ma." I kissed her forehead.

"Yeah baby okay see you later."

I dapped my father up as we exchanged a few words then laughed it off.

I left the house with a smile on my face. Just hoping my day would go great enough to get my family back at one.


"I-umm, I guess I'll be going now Ja."

"Nah you ain't going nowhere. Here put this on." He handed me a fresh outfit he had to have pulled from Bri side of the closet. It was probably hiding behind everything else with a tag on it she wouldn't miss it.


"Cause your going to rehab. Now put it on quick you gotta check in at 10."

"What if I don't wanna go Ja. I'm grown as hell you don't control me."

"You right I don't or you wouldn't be in this situation to begin with, but see now you don't got a choice no more. I'm tired of you fucking up my son life ... I love you marie I do but you need to get it together like now. So you going to rehab and you cant check out till I believe your clean."

"Yeah Okay whatever." I mumbled. We had really fell off since that night I practically out my heart in his hand and he chose that bitch over me. I wasn't stressing over him no more though Darren had me, but shit like that do change a person. He crushed me.

"Your still like my sister..."

"Fuck being your sister. Ja what you did really hurt me and I will NEVER recover from such, you broke me!" I felt the tears sting my upper lip and I bit into it. Why was I crying, there was nothing to be upset about. I laughed and wiped the face with the back of my hand.

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