To Fall Again:

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"Family of Joseph?"

"That's us."

"Y'all are the family?"

"Yes were all the family he got now can you tell us whats going on?"

"He's on the table right now. He was shot in the shoulder, and once to the chest. It very rare that anyone mainly kids his age and younger get up from accident like this. We did manage to slow down the bleeding as much as possible but he's gonna need a blood transplant if he makes it though surgery. Were trying as hard as we can and If he does make it he'll be in a coma for 3-5 weeks might be longer. But he's still gonna need that transplant so I would advise you to start looking for a blood type that matches. I'd start with the mediate family."

"Thank you."

As the doctor continued Jason did the best stormed in he could on crunches. "Where the hell is my son."

"Sir we're gonna need you to calm down."

"The fuck you mean calm down. My son could be dead man and you talking bout calm down."

"Jason man cool out."

"Fuck that ain't nun of y'all gone tell me how to control myself. Y'all don't know what the hell I'm going though right now. So shut the fuck up talking to me. Look can I go back there or something."

"I'm sorry but we can't let you back there."

"Bullshit man, look your child isn't back there is he? NO! So how the hell you gone tell me I can't go back there."

I grab Jason away quick. As I seen the anger run down to his fist. Soon ass I grabbed him he had already dropped them crunches and swung. He missed the doctor by that much.

"Man let me go." He said as he was about to cry.

I let him go as he slid down the wall in the hallway and sat there with his head in his hands crying. This was the first time in my life I have ever seen this man cry. I knew there was something more then JoJo running though his mind. I wasn't gone mess with him doe he needed to cool off. Cause he swing on me all hell was gone break loose.


About 30 minutes later Marie came in with Bri. "Jason how could you." She yelled as she smack the shit outta him.

He tried to get up to beat her ass but Bri grab him and helped back to his feet well foot.

"Let me go. Yo ass should be the last person to touch me Right now." He yelled yanking away from her moving towards the opposite direction.

"Marie calm the fuck down."

"David shut up talking to me. My son could die and all his stupid ass did was sit on his ass. I HATE YOU JASON!!" She yelled as he limped away.

"If yo ass would have stayed in rehab and not try to run away with some drug dealing ass nigga he wouldn't have tried to handle some shit he had no business in and he wouldn't have to be here. Its just as much as your fault as it is Jason's."

She slapped the shit outta me and walked away. I didn't chase her. I know she only slapped me cause she knew it was true.


I knew everyone in here was feeling anger and guilt at the same time. Including me. I needed to plead my case to Jason's ass. He don't even know the whole story. But I couldn't do it right now he was fed up enough. All I could do is hope for the best. If JoJo pulled though I would talk to him and If he didn't I would leave him alone for good cause I know he wouldn't give me the time of day if he lost his heart.

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