Aqua's Choice:

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It was about 3 pm and I had just got out the shower. I turned on the stereo and got dressed.

I got my own money and I pay for everything myself. I lost my Parents at the age of 14 so since then I hustled my life to get what I want. The man that shot my parents was my so called uncle. He wasn't my real uncle but he was so close to the family that's what he was called. Him and my father got into it because he tried to rape my moms. I was in the next room when I heard the gunshots down stairs. I ran down and saw my mother and father both laying there. That night I packed my stuff and left. I went to stay with my best friend Justin and his family for a couple years. After they moved to Nevada because his pops though the environment was bad for him I started my own life. That's were I've been every since. In the streets.

I worked up under other old cats and as they took each other out I slow started building on my own. I kept myself low key otherwise they'd start at me and being smart I knew I was nowhere near their level so they would blow me out the water. I ran little sections, nothing major.. yet.

See me and Brian had plans for this city, we wasn't rolling over being another worthless corner boy out here, nah, we was gone shake this bitch when our time came, and trust me.. it was coming.

My phone rung and I looked at the name that flashed across the screen in my hands.

"Ayo bro wassup with you today?" Brain asked when I picked up.

"Shit bro just got out the shower." I said.

"Ight then you should come through and swoop me up lets hit the mall I'm tired of being in this damn house."

"Nigga why you don't just drive yo damn self."

"Did we forget my shit suspended? Now get yo ass over here."

"That ain't never stopped you before. But ight nigga damn can I get dressed?"

"Mann hurry up they gone be sold outta the damn shoes."

"Bro don't rush me Im the nigga with the car yo." I joked.

I hung up and quickly got dressed continuing to vibe to the song playing through the speakers.


After about another 30 minutes I was in my black and silver Audi and drove off. Before picking up Brian nagging ass had to visit my ride or die, Marie.

Marie and I have been down since 9th grade she's a couple months older then me but she like a little sister. She has one child Joseph that everybody calls JoJo. She use to have a crush on me that I think she still has. She doesn't show it though cause her boyfriend Lance would try to kill her. But I WISH a nigga would.

I unlocked the doors with my key and walked in, but to be sure I still knocked. "Knock Knock fam!"

"I'm in the kitchen Jason." she screamed from the other room.

"Aye uncle J wassup." JoJo said coming around the corner from the kitchen.

"Get yo butt back here and finish yo homework boy."

"You heard yo mama JoJo." Lance yelled from upstairs.

"Man I don't wanna do this."

"Aye that's not how you talk to yo mama.Now Let me see what you working on." A nigga been out of school for a nice little minute so I wasn't much help with this new math, but I was trying.

"Its this math with letters in it like who mixes the abc's with 123's " He joked as we laughed and looked at the work on the table. "See ma, even uncle J don't know this, Its worthless." I chuckled agreeing with him a little bit.

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