Who's Lien Now:

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I pulled up the the apartment complex. I seen his car parked as ran up the stairs of our Apartment building. My nosey ass neighbor came out talking all kinds of gossip and shit that don't matter right now.

"Oh Brooke do you know Mrs.Parker has been up there beating on the man." She said holding her wooden spoon to her hips.

"I can't talk right now." I said trying to push pass her.

"Whats the matter child?"

"Nothing I'm just having problems of my own that I need to take care of." I said frogging up in the throat.

"Listen here child. That man loves you. Don't be no Mrs.Parker you here me?"

"Yes Ma'am."

"Alright now you go do whats right." She said moving out the way.

"Yes Ma'am." I said running up the rest of the stairs.

When I made it to our apartment I stormed in the door to find Logan and Lilly packed up and sitting on the couch. My eyes filled with tears to see only them packed and ready to go. Logan was drinking and you could tell he has had way to many while Lilly had no clue in the world whats about to go down.

"Hey mommy go pack so we can go Daddy said were going on a trip."

"Hey baby why don't you go in the back for a minute."

"Naw she good."

"Logan why you doing this?"

"Me? Why am I doing this? Really?"

"Yes really."

"I ain't did shit but love yo stupid ass. Nothing less. But all you did was sleep with my Boy , My nigga , My brother.."

"Logan I-"

"Naw fuck you. Yo ass ruined every damn thing we were prefect baby perfect everything was fine for us. But you...you just had to have both side and it dont work that way...So I'm taking my daughter and I'll see you in court."

"You can call me anything say anything do anything but you will NOT Take my daughter away from me. She can't grown with out her mother to teach her the things she need to know. And I-" I couldn't finish because I was rudely interrupted.

"Wait what? You sound stupid. You gone teach her? Teach her what? How to be a lil thot? How to betray her husband? cheat? Lie? Steal? Naw she don't need that. I'd be better off leaving her in a strip club and let her find her way out. You can't teach her shit but have to fuck up her life. She don't need that...Like I said ..I'm taking my daughter. Lets go Liliana."

He grabbed the big bags full of most of the things they needed and rolled them away. I tried grabbing his arm but he just yanked away. After grabbing the suitcase he cleanly slapped the shit outta me causing me to let go and not try anymore. I layed there on the floor of the living room crying my eyes out. Bri better not come near me or I was to kill that bitch on my soul.


From the way both my niggas stormed out I know something wasn't right in both they heads. I was sorry for smashing Logan's girl but it happened and I can't take it back. I was also sorry for the way I talked to Jason but he was wrong. Things just weren't right with nun of us and all this was because of one person. TJ.

I pulled up to the house were I always see that nigga go. I loaded My piece and sat back in my truck trying to lay low. I watched as the different dudes go in and out the house but no TJ. I continued to sit there but still no TJ. Where was this nigga?

After about a hour I gave up and pulled off. I drove in circle for a whole 2 hours or so not knowing were to go or what to do for the night. I wanted to go check on Brooke but I didn't know what went down with her and Logan. I would hate to show up and he answers the door.

I decided to just go home Leave that Drama shit for the next day.


I continued to cry off and on as I sat next to the bed my son was on. I was so sad to see a good soul go to waist. I mean he had it all to make something of his life but he just got pulled in by the wrong things. I missed hearing his voice and seeing him laugh here and there. I missed hearing him yell and scream. I missed the soft hugs and everything that made him Joseph. When was my baby gonna wake up?


I got my lazy ass off the couch and headed to the kitchen. took out a bag of frozen pork chops and set them in a bowel of water to un thaw. I took out 3 boxes of Macaroni and a thing of biscuits. I looked at what I was going to cook later and noticed I didn't Have any butter. I went back in the living to grab my phone. Just as I was about to call Jason, his ass came though the door.

"Baby you O-" I was cut off buy his phone being tossed at me. " The fuck is your problem." I asked in total shock.

"Who's is it?"

"What the hell are you talking about Jason?"

"Fuck Bri stop trying to play like you so damn Innocent who fucking baby is it?"

Were was all this coming from. How did he even find out about this.

"Jason -"

"Brooke already told me it wasn't mines. That you had lied about them sleeping in our bed to so tell me the fucking truth or I promise I will fuck yo ass up Brianna crippled or not. Now tell me who's baby it is?"

"Bae just calm- Stop throwing shit." I yelled out as the mini lamp came flying my way.

"Stop fucking Yelling & I'm tired of yo ass lien to me and shit tell me right fucking now. And I promise if you say David Imma fuck you and him up now talk."

"TJ's" I mumbled as tears flew to my eyes and my Heart started beating outta my chest. I was scared. This nigga was throwing shit and he had a look I couldn't handle. If I wasn't pregnant he would have been hit my ass I know it.


"It's a possibility it's TJ's Baby." I said crying. "Look Ja we met a while ago and I didn't know y'all had beef we were just friends and I felt lonely with you in the hospital and we continued to chill and things and.. It just happened. He used me and-and Baby I'm Soo sorry,"

The room dropped silent. You couldn't hear nothing but the panting of his breaths and the beating of my heart.

"So while I'm in the fucking hospital on my death bed. You out here fucking this nigga? Really Bri? Are you fucking kidding me? You slept with my fucking enemy. With the nigga who could have killed me and my Son? JoJo on that bed because of you? Are you fucking serious? Bri get the fuck out. Don't call me, don't text me, don't come to the hospital, Don't come to my door. I will have yo shit dropped off at your moms by the morning. I fucking hate you Bitch and we are dead to each other. We're done and heads up take yo ass out the back door."

Before I could speak he pushed himself up and went to the Tv. He ducked down the best his could and grabbed something from behind it. When he came back up he had a little back box wrapped in Orange ribbon. I instantly started crying because I knew what was inside. He threw the box at me and went up the stairs. I sat there crying, tears streaming as I knew I fucked up.


What do you think about this chapter?

Who was worse Brooke or Bri?

Think any one of the couples have another shot?

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(Brooke Chavez x Jena Frumes)

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