Cross Over:

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I Pulled into the Burger King drive thru and waited for the slow ass employee to take my order.

"Welcome to Burger King How may I help you."

"Damn finally, Can I get a Bacon Cheese Burger Deluxe and a Large French Fri?"

"Will that be all?"


"$4.21 Next window."

I pulled around and payed for my food, Then pulled to the next window. I was waiting once again on they slow ass service when I noticed the All black car about to pull in. But before it could make it, It was hit once from the side and spun across then hit from behind that made it flip. Both the trucks were big body and I had a feeling this wasn't no accident. I sped off from the window and over to the car.

I waited for the Trucks to pull off far enough not to see me and then got out. I dashed across the street and ducked so I could see and make sure it was who I thought it was.

That Nigga JoJo.

He was conscious but unable to move his body on his own. I could have left him there but where im from you help everybody even if it is a enemy. I unclicked the seat belt and tried to moved the smashed in door. People had begin to notice and stare at the situation.

"CAN SOMEBODY CALL THE FUCKING POLICE?" I yelled and crawled through the car. I grabbed JoJo arms and back scooted out the car just when it went up in flames. He was groaning and rubbing his right arm. I was inhaling to many chemicals and begin to get dizzy and unable to move us both. "Help me Push with yo legs." I was still trying to scoot out the car.

"I cant fucking move my legs."

Even at his worse time this nigga was still an asshole. A pair of strong arms pulled us out the car and far enough away.

"Its about to blow!" The man yelled as people begin to scream and run backwards but were still nosey enough to look.

He dragged me and JoJo as my vision got Blurry and then .. faded.


I jumped up out my sleep and begin to panic. "Easy now calm down." The paramedic said to me pushing my shoulders to lay me back down. "What the fuck is going on?"

"You inhaled to many different substances trying to help a Young man out of his car. Theres nothing-"

I cut her off and snatched the patches off wires off me. "What young man? You know were he is?"

"Yes but Dete-"

"Detective Jones, Can I have a few words with you?" She asked stepping into the ambulance.

"About? I ain't do shit."

"Didn't say you did, I just want to ask you some things about what happen."

"I don't wanna answer yo questions."

"Please if you would-"

"Where is the dude I saved from the car?"

"He's over there." The paramedic pointed to the ambulance right across from me as the detective from his end pointed to me ..


I woke up to the sound of Cop Cars, Fire trucks, Water, IV's and People talking. I opened my eyes and the paramedic who was sitting next to me in the ambulance tapped the Man sitting on the other side of her. "He's awake." She jumped down and Left us alone.

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