Living Sweet:

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He was crying and there was nothing I could do to stop him. First he lost Bri, Then his trust in me, Next he lost Nae .. Now Marie. I couldn't help but get up and try to sooth him. I pulled him in to a hug and rubbed circles in his back. He released everything. Not just from him mama but from the past, Every little thing that messed with his head he released right here right now.

"What happen?" He asked after he had calmed down.

"They said she was brutally beaten and left on the side of Ron's liquor store. Nobody knows who did or how she got there but the owner was escorting somebody out when he seen her arm on the side of the building. He said she was unconscious so he just called the paramedics. The called the number in her phone that said 'ICE #1' and it just so happened to be me. I was gonna go see her but I didn't wanna go without you." I spoke.

He sat on the couch with a blank expression that I couldn't read and rubbed his hands the way I do when I'm thinking real hard or I'm upset. Man he grew more and more like me by the days. With him being 17 Now, life is hard trying to keep him under control.

"Is she okay?"

"That JoJo I can't say. And I don't wanna be the one to Lie and-"

"Bullshit don't tell me no shit like that." He was beginning to get angry again. "Your my fucking father tell me she gone be okay. Say she gone pull through can she strong and thats just how we are Jason. Say it! Say She not gone die in there. Say she gone hug me, Say that imma be able to hear the sound of her voice in no time. Jason You suppose to be there for me like no other. You my fucking daddy act like it. ACT LIKE IT JASON! I swear if uncle Brian was here nun of this would have happened Not Her, not bri Not Nae and damn sho not YOU Jason. He held you down. He made sure we was good. That you didn't get into no shit same as you did for him. You keep trying to make these other niggas him but its NOT gone happen Jason. Nun of yo boys could ever been Uncle B and Hold it down like he did, NOBODY! Not Logan, Not David, and damn sure not Robin or Beanie, Hell all them niggas together couldn't be Uncle B no matter how loyal they are."

I wanted for him to calm down and once again he sat on the couch and rubbed his hands together with the blank look.

I stood up and looked at him the same cause I knew it was true. Brian was my nigga, He kept me Alive for this long. Lord knows I missed my brother damn that bitch.

I was snapped out of my thought when he spoke in a calm tone again.

"I wanna go see my momma."

I nodded my head and went to the intercom and told Logan we was about to head out. I shot him a text to just in case he didn't here it. He text back he to finna take Kati out for some Ice Cream and I let him another Hospital trip for me.

6 : 3 4

It took a while to get to the hospital Marie was located. The had moved her to a different location so I had to do some driving.

"Visiting hours are over at 7:00 man we might not be able to see her." Jojo said rushing in and to the front desk.

I rubbed my head as I walked in. I hate hospitals.

We got the room number 207 and I got a funny feeling cause that was my room number when I was in the hospital. We took the elevator up and walked to her room door. JoJo gave me this look that indicated he was scared along with the tense that took over his body. He slowly opened the door and walked in.


I heard the door open and instantly got scared. Only thing I remember from last night was Him constantly hitting me. From him throwing me in the trunk of his car and speeding off. I faded in and out of vision and the next thing I knew he was crying and thrown on the side of a building. He got to going on about He loved me, kissed my Forehead then I passed out. I woke up in a hospital bed hooked up to some of everything. I had a large bandage on my head and a couple scraps and bruises here and there.

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