Nooooo Nae:

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"Thanks Nae." I said coming over to her and Jacob who was doing the Red nose.

"No problem Baby boy you know I got you. But it was all Riahs Idea." she said giving her her props.

"I know but she said I had to thank you to." I said hugging her.

We stood there in the hugging Position then

Bang Bang ..

Everybody managed to drop but nae. Before I could pull her down she dropped.

I held her body as blood oozed into my hand. Before I realized I was screaming and so was Jacob Riah was just standing there with everyone else. "SOMEBODY CALL THE FUCKING POLICE." I yelled. I was crying . Tears were flowing as If one of my parents were here in my hands. "FUCK Nae please don't please answer me. Nae I love you please." I didn't realize what I was saying but I caught it when Riah ran off. I didn't move I sat there holding her.

I didn't know but my feelings were strong for her. as much as I tried to avoid them they were there and now .. now I will never get to tell her that. On my fucking birthday.


Time passed and the paramedics had been took Nae. Riah called her father and she left. I was sitting on the stairs waiting on Jason. I knew for a fact this was his doings. Times like this I hated who my father was. Why me? Why Nae? Why any of this.? And everyone wondered why I didn't want to do anything for my birthday. Something bad always happens. I hated my life,?the life I had. My best friend could Be dead , My mother is probably somewhere strung out. My other mother is Dead. My daddy is a fucking drug lord who always has somebody gunning for his head and me Joseph? I'm just stuck in the middle of all the bullshit forced to deal with it.

He pulled up and hoped out the car as I stormed past the police to him. I had so much stuffed build up in my mind to say .. But once I made it to him I couldn't speak. I stood there face to face with him crying harder and he just stood there for a minute then eventually pulled me into a hug while Lo went to ask the police what happened.

"Why Nae Jason." I cried into his shoulder. "Why her?"

"Im sorry Jojo." Was all he said and we stood there.


"Why Nae Jason." He cried into my shoulder. "Why her?"

"Im sorry Jojo." Was all I could say. I knew for a fact he loved that girl and I felt bad because I knew somehow this was my fault. Somebody thought it was me in the house and lost it. I couldn't help but feel guilt and Anger at the same time. Just seeing Jojo like this I knew it went down .. I just didn't know how bad.

"Yo Jay everybody okay they said but about 2 people Nae and some other girl was shot. Nae being rushed to the hospital and Selena .. She didn't make it. They say bullet went straight to her chest .. On impact she was out." He explained.

"Any idea who did this?" I asked.

"I would say that nigga you got strapped at the spot .. Or maybe a comeback for them mufuckers we took down with TJ honestly .. I dont know. could be some type of revenge for some shit we thought we took care of." He said rubbing his neck.

I never knew some many people were against me until tonight. I guess it was time for me to move around. And ASAP before anybody else got hurt.


That morning I woke up early and left Jojo alone as far as school. I didn't want him going there with all that on his mind. I know that lil boys anger and its just like mines. One false word and her ready to take somebody head off. Still wasn't know word from Nae or her parents on how she was pulling through .. Or if she was pulling through.

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