It Gets Hard:

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About four Years Later. From Here on out the POV change.


Its about 3am and shes still not here. I know she's been out all night again with her good for nothing friend Nyla. I sat up in the bed with my back on the headboard. I was dressed in some all black Timberlands, some Robin Jeans and a black shirt.

I heard the car pull up in the driveway and it beeps twice. Yup that's her. I cut the lights and television off and waited. I heard the door slowly creep close and she tried to tip toe up the stairs. She entered the room, stumbled a little and continued to creep around before I popped the light on.

"Were the hell you been?"

"Boy don't come at me stupid I was out."

"Naw I ain't playing you know better then to come in this house this damn late, the hell is wrong with you?"

"Fuck wrong with you? Your not my father Jason. I'm grown as hell nigga ion question you when you show up in this bitch 4-5am, don't come for me Jay."

"Come'ere Brianna."

"No, Fuck you."

"Bri please don't make me jack yo lil ass up tonight bring yo ass here girl."

"Why? What you gone do lick me to see if I'm clean?"

"Hell naw I might catch something from the niggas you was with."

"Oh Really I don't say that shit bout the funky ass females you be with, smelling like old spice"

She went in the bathroom and turned on the shower. I snatched her back before she got in pinning her against the wall.

"What the hell? Jay what are you doing & can you let me go, damn I don't wanna argue with yo stupid ass tonight."

"Shut up & Don't worry about it you ain't got nothing to hide right?"

"No I really don't. But it's not like you trust me so do what you gotta do." I stared at her and she stared at me back. Eye and eye. "You gone lick me down or what cause I'm tired of staring at you."

"Why would I do that. Ion know where you been and who you been with."

"You don't say that shit to them ratchet ass bean head ass chicken heads you be with."

"Man whatever." I dismissed the topic and left the bathroom only to be followed.

"Now you don't wanna face the facts right? Cause you know I'm telling the truth."

"Bri gone somewhere man."

"I hate you so much Jason I knew you be cheating on me, I would never do you like that."

I turned around looking down at her. Once again, eye and eye. "Shut the fuck up. You know for a fact I've never done no shit like that to you so calm down."

"I've never cheated on you Jay." She stared at me for a minute then looked down.

I lifted her head up kissing her lips. After a while I lifted her up in the air dropping her towel. I laid her back on the bed we shared. I already knew what this was.


The shit felt good but I was still mad at him. Trying to come at me like I'm one of his Lil flunkies. It ain't my fault Nyla had a private session for hours. I mean I was about to get me one but I knew he would act a fool. Glad I didin't.

I don't know what happen to my sweet and gentle Jason that I met in the mall and Bar that day. I guess after Brian died He changed big time. He was his boy and all cause of his baby mama Brian Laying in the ground. Fuck Up Right?

He continued to handle me until I came. Then He stopped and let me go. I could tell he was sorry but I didn't give a fuck he pissed me off big time. I picked the towel up from the floor and went to take my shower.


After I got out I threw on one of his t-shirts and some socks. Straight free balling. I jogged downstairs for something to drink and noticed Jay was gone. I didn't know where he went but I was glad he left. I grabbed his last Gatorade out the fridge and headed back upstairs. I turned the tv on love and hip hop and laid directly in the middle of the bed.

After a hour or so I heard him pull back up. I knew he had to handle some business so I didn't question him when he came in.


"You okay?"

His look wasn't natural at all and that bothered me. "No the fuck im not but whatever, I said goodnight."

"Jay Whats wrong?"

I was his backbone half the shit that wasn't right and he couldn't fix I did, so to see him like this is where I had to step in. I was my job as his Woman.

"Man I cant find Marie. JoJo called me panicking and shit talking bout she didn't come in again. How many time does my son have to go through this bullshit man."

"Calm down Jay, where is JoJo?"

"He in the car getting his bag. He officially moving in with me and that's that. She can suck my dick if she dont like it."

Jason found out JoJo was his from a 1night stand they had back when. He couldn't look at Marie the same anymore because she knew all this time but didn't say anything. Even though Jason has been there for JoJo he still feels like he missed out on his life as his father. I sighed, it's always something with her. "Okay."

"Hey Ma."

Every since Marie went to south with these drugs, JoJo has seen me as his mother figure. He calls me Ma sometimes but others he calls me Bri. I don't mind either of them. I still see that Lil boy as my son no matter what. Even if me and Jason don't make it, that'll never change our bond.

"Go take yo stuff to your room JoJo. You not going back to yo mama house."

"I'm still worried about her, you gone find her?"

"I know were she at already, I called David and told him go get her she safe but I'm tired of her bullshit man."

David was Jason's other Brian. Jason met David when David was only 20. He was a youngin' who stayed in trouble in these street considering he came from a dirty background of abuse. David was a mixed breed who everybody knew had majority black blood flowing through his body. He was cool and Jason's little parody.

"Alright Imma go take a shower goodnight love y'all."

JoJo is now 15 and he's been trying to take care of his mother. Jason helps every now and then but JoJo does it alone. He's a good child who had his life all set up but trouble calls him. One day he told me that he wanted to get back on that right path and go to college like he had planned. I promised to help him so we've been working on school a lot lately. He really needs a break though and that what I'm trying to do for him, he deserves it.


I took me a quick shower and got ready for bed. I did the prayer my mother taught me when I was 6 when she was straight and not so fucked up all the time. I just hope David can find her. I love her to death and I miss the old her. Every since her and my dad got into it real bad about something I don't know what she changed. She ran out and found the life of drugs. My mother was a good mother I just wish she could go back to that. But until then I got Brianna.

I lay here in my bed looking at the stars out the window. I can feel the tension in my mind about my mama. I knew she was some were trying to get a bag or two. I hated this world. Lucky my father ain't so strung out. But he has changed since Uncle Brian died. Damn I miss him. He kept my father on the line, calm and collect. What's going on with the world man.

(Jason Moore x Chris Brown)

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