When Hell Strikes Back:

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We were gonna drop JoJo off first cause Brian was avoiding his new baby moms.

"Don't let that nigga run yo shit." Brain commented looking in the back seat at Jojo.

"I'm not, I don't even think he's my real daddy."


"Cause me and that nigga don't look alike, act alike, nothing. He just there to me, we ain't got no father son connections at all. That ain't my daddy."

"Aye yo mama not no hoe, that's yo daddy."

"Why couldn't you be my daddy Uncle J."

I laughed. "Cause I'm yo uncle and that's what I'm here to be JoJo."

"Yeah ... a cool ass uncle."

We laughed then me and JoJo hopped out the car. I walked him up the stairs when we heard glass break and Yelling. From this side of the door it sounded like Lance was beating the living shit outta Marie. I wasn't having that. I unlocked the door quick and rushed inside when we seen Lance on Marie Slapping and chocking her he must not have noticed us. Rage that I had built up from my parents death and everything else that has happened to me took over. I was completely frozen for a second.

"Mommy! Aye man get the fuck off my momma."

I grabbed JoJo and told him to go to the car and tell Brian to come in if I didn't come out in 5. I snatched Lance up off her and punched him laying him through the glass table in the living room. It Broke. She Screamed.

My anger continued to built up even more as I started having flashback of that night. I Just started pounding lance in the face with my fist as tight a it goes. I was filled with lost dreams and anger that I took out on him. Marie tried dragging me off him cause she knew I would never stop. That didn't work.

I guess five passed cause Brian came in the house. He cuffed me underneath the arms and dragged me back. I finally stopped swinging on him and calmed down before he let me go. I punched Marie living room wall before walking over to the both of them. Me and Brian helped Marie gather some of their things and left out the door leaving Lance there. I took JoJo and Marie back to my place.


At my crib it was quiet. Marie loved the peaceful, calm and collect thing I had going on. I gave each of them a room and told them this was home now.

Marie had nothing to worry about I would take care of her and JoJo my hustle was pretty big.

Brian was in the basement getting dressed preparing to head out. We was going to this club on the other side of town. Ladies were free so we had us a plan.

"Don't hurt yourself and thank you again Jason."

"Come on now Marie you know I got you always, I'm glad y'all living with me now it gets lonely around here." I sat down in the computer chair looking around the room. I never really paid attention to my guest rooms.

"I just hope we're not going to be a problem for you."

"It's no problem y'all are all the family I got I'm here to protect y'all." She smiled and stood up walking over to me in the chair. I was about to stand up thinking she needed a hug but she placed a hand on my chest, straddled me and leaned in kissing my lips. Ian gone lie I was enjoying it, I always knew that spark was there but I wasn't the faithful nigga she needed. She deserves better than me and Lance punk ass. I stopped it and kissed her forehead. "You deserve so much more than me Marie, don't set yourself up for less than cause you feeling some type of way right now."

She nodded and kisses me again before looking at me in the face and getting up. She walked away and started undressing herself on the way to the bathroom connected to this room.

I pried my eyes from her and shook my head chuckling before getting up out the chair and leaving her room.

I went to check on JoJo in his room downstairs.

"JoJo what you doing Lil man?"

He was doing push-ups when I walked in pumping 'em back to back. I could tell he was more angry then I was.

"I'm just trying to catch my shape uncle J you know, just in case any other nigga crazy enough to put his hands on my mama I'll be ready."

I laughed and sat on the bed. "Get up real quick JoJo." He raised up and sat next to me. I side hugged him and leaned forwards in which he did the same. This kid. "You know I got you and your mama always right?"

"Yeah, she calls you our protector."

"Cause that's what I always tell her, I'm gone protect y'all for as long as I live. Y'all my family, family sticks together no matter what. We can't let nothing come between us ight? You gone get your education and make us rich with yo moves on the court and more importantly make your mama proud you all she got. YOU make sure you take care of her. Don't ever forget where you come from boy."

"I'm not uncle J. The environment may not be the best but she raised me well enough to know that. Ian gone never forget my origin."

"That's right. Imma bout to head out. watch yo mama for me and call me from the house phone if ANYTHING goes down alright?"

"Yeah ight have a ball uncle J." He positioned himself back on the floor and continued his push-ups starting back from one. Man he's one of the most determined kids I've ever known.

"You know I am acting a fool. Don't hurt yourself down there, I'll see you in the morning." I closed the door back leaving him to his business.

I headed back upstairs to my room to run a shower. My knuckles were bruised a bit making my hand feel heavy. I just needed a nice relaxing bath shower to clean my mind.

After that I got dressed. I had 6 missed called from Brian and this nigga was downstairs. I laughed and tossed the phone on the bed dressing myself. Once I was done I straightened up my room cut the lights off and headed downstairs were Brian was sitting on the couch watching Martin with Marie.

"Finally, though you transformed into a lady up there. Come down in some high heels and a red dress."

"Man shut yo sensitive ass up and let's go." I handed Marie the house phone. "Call me if anything-" she cut me off by grabbing my shirt and kissing me AGAIN. Damn I had to give it to her, she wasn't one to give up. "Have a good one Jay,"

She had me biting my lip sizing her up. "Mhm."

"Damnnnnnnnn, it's like that." I pushed him out the door closing it behind me laughing. "Which one?" He asked staring at the wall with my keys on it.

"That depends how you tryna pull up."

"Fast. Shit let's take the Mas." He tossed me the keys to my Maserati and we got in. I started it up and took off out the driveway and down the street.

"You ight bro?" He asked. I glanced at him screwing my face up.

"Yeah I'm straight bro what you mean?"

"I'm talking bout earlier, you straight tried to take buddy ass out."

"Awe yeah, I'm over that shit."

"ight let me know if you not."

I nodded and pulled off from the light. You could hear the tires screeching.

(Marie Thomas x Lashontae Heckard)

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