Hello ... Again:

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"What Are you doing here?"

"I came to see your father."

"I just think you should leave."

"JoJo you don't wanna see or talk to your momma?"

"No ... Hell No, no disrespect to you Bri but I ain't got SHIT to say to her." I said pushing pass them both an going to the bathroom.

I know I'm wrong but what do you expect me just to open up? Every time she said she was clean or done with drugs and I "Opened up" I got let down. Flat on my face. I'm done giving her chances I'm just DONE. Ive lost/given up enough for the day.

"JoJo!" Bri yelled from the other side of the door.

"WHAT!" I yelled back.

"Who the hell you talking yo Joseph?"

"I'm sorry Bri, Yes?"

I knew better then to talk to Bri like that. That's the only rule she has on me. NO disrespect to her or my Father.

"Better, now come out there and talk to your mother."

"No, I have nothing absolutely NOTHING to say to HER. Just let me know when My daddy get back."

As soon as I said that I heard the door open. I came out the bathroom but it was just the nurse bringing in an empty bed. Were the hell was my daddy.

"Excuse me .. But where is he?" Bri asked the nurse.

"His surgery ran longer than expected he should be back in just a little while." The nurse responded.

"Why? Did something go wrong? Is everything okay?"

"Ma'am everything is fine. Just be calm he will be back before you know it."

With that being said I ran right back into the bathroom.

3 0  M I N U T E S  L A T E R

The nurse put me on the stretch and wheeled me in. As soon as the door opened Bri flew to me an kissed my face even while the nursed moved me onto the bed.

"Thank GOD your okay." She said hugging me.

I winced in pain from my shoulder. "Baby calm all that down damn you acting like I'm 5. Did you make that move?"

"You calm down and yeah I did shouldn't have did shit for your ugly ass." She said smacking my head.

"Keep yo hands to yourself Brianna. You lucky I can't really move around right now."

"Hey Jay."

"What you doing here?"

"Bri let me come see you."

"What? Hell Nah I told them don't let you out unless I, in full flesh, came to get you. The fuck wrong with them people. Shaking my head at you Bri, now take her ass back she ain't clean."

I wasn't being mean or fucked up. I was being helpful. Marie might have been clean but she wasn't clean enough. If you let her on the streets again she would be right back. Her ass needed to go back to rehab ASAP.

"Look I don't know what the fuck is wrong with you and JoJo but she got feelings to you ugly Motherfuckers. Y'all gone quit treating her like she ain't shit and never will be. She made her mistakes okay she knows it y'all don't have to keep rubbing it in her face. Lets not forget she was a hell of a good person when she was clean so think about that. She had y'all back then and no matter what she go it now. So STOP treating her like she a piece of shit you stepped in or I swear to GOD I will leave both of you sorry Motherfuckers then who you gone have to call on? huh? NOBODY. Lets go Marie." Bri snapped grabbing her keys and purse and slamming the door when she left out.

I jut threw my hands over my face and sat there. Bri did not just go off on me...Me? All I tried to do was hep the damn girl and this the thanks I get. Like who the fuck does that. I wondered what David's ass was going threw.


Flicking threw the channels is boring as hell. What the hell was I doing just sitting here. I needed to get back to work. We had hella shit we needed to figure out and solve and we needed to to do it quick. Starting with TJ punk ass. Still can't believe that nigga. But little do he know we ain't dead so we will be back.

My phone rung.


"Yo we found out were that nigga TJ be hiding." Robin said from the other side of the phone.

"Alright just call up Logan and let him know."

"You sure you want Logan crazy ass to know?"

"Somebody need to know."

"I think we should just wait till you and Jason on top again."

"Whoa whoa wait a minute, On Top again? Nigga just cause we down for a minute don't mean we fell off.?We still on top and yeah you right we a handle it don't tell nobody I mean nobody,"

This nigga said again. Is he stupid? Everybody already know Jason runs this and I'm right behind him. Don't play about it. TJ gone get his he ain't even gotta worry about it.


I pulled up at the big house looking building. It was nice on the outside very nice. All clean and quiet. I loved places like this.

"Thanks again for sticking up for me." Marie said hugging me.

"Your welcome but next time you have to stick up for yourself with Jason and JoJo." I said hugging back.

"It just feels like I owe them that. I mean I did fuck both their lives up."

"You did all you could. I believe in you and you just got to believe to and you will be alright."

"Thank you Bri. That means a lot coming from you."

"Hey I don't judge I mean If I did you think I would still be with Jason's ass? I love him but he's crazy." I joked looking at my phone.

"He is. I don't know why but it sees like JoJo's gonna be just like him."

"And that will have nothing to do with you. You raised him the best you could. You can't beat yourself up for that. Plus JoJo's smart. He Eileen not be like Jason."

"I know he is being with you. Thank you again." She added just before getting out the car.

She walked around the back. After a couple of minutes when she was out of site I pulled off.


Once she pulled off I waited for Derren to pull up. He pulled up about a minutes after Bri pulled off.

"Wasup ain't seen you a couple weeks."

"I've been stuck in here."

"Mhn you missed me?"

"Man. Here take this and give me my bags."

"Man get in the damn car and quit playing with me girl. You know you roll with me. I'm taking yo as home you ain't staying here the fuck wrong with you."

I ran around the other side and hopped in. As we drove off I waved bye to the Rehab center. Trust me I wont be back.

Do you think Jason and JoJo was wrong for the way they acted towards Marie? You think Brianna was right when she snapped off? How long do you think It will be before Marie is back on Crack? -Comment your answers Below! 👀

Fans I'm Still taking Idea's for someone to be casted as Jason. Comment your Idea's below.! Or if your shy Inbox me. ✔️

(Marie Thomas x Lashontae Heckard)

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