Its The Business:

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"Joseph stop please." Nae begged. I kept poking and biting her. "Ugh. I gott- Stop." Now she was laughing.

"You so damn Bipolar." I got out the bed to get my phone.

"Shut up .. Whats wrong?"

"My dad wants me to join his meeting in about a hour."

"What meeting?"

"With his business." Nae Already knew what my dad did somewhat. So she left it alone for a while.

"..just be careful." She added.

"Im not going on a damn mission with them, just a meeting. Probably an effort to bonding." I joked.

"So why does he want you to come to the meeting? You can bond in other ways."

"I dont know. But its about time for me to go get my mama, Wanna go? Cause aint nobody in the house."

"Yeah." She trailed off. I kissed her lips but she got up. "Bae-"

"Im ready Joseph." I groaned then went to the living room. "Lilly!"

She ran to me and we left out the door. I locked up the house and went down to the car and helped Lilly in. I dont know why Nae just stood there with her arms folded.

"Whats wrong now .." I mumbled letting the window down. "What?"

"Nothing." She was still standing there thoe.



"What the hell is your problem?" I was agitated and already knew a pointless ass argument was coming. I wasn't going to tell her about the meeting but then she wouldve found out and been mad I ain't say shit. Can't win for losing.

"Nothing." She sighed and ran her hands through her hair then came to the car.

"Yeah its something." I mumbled.


"Nun imma need you to watch over my momma though. You know she cant drive, or go anywhere without supervis-"

"Yes I know Okay."

I mugged the side of her face as she looked out the window. Then I pulled away from the curve and took off to the light.

"I'm hungry JoJo." Lilly said from the backseat.

"ight." I said and looked over at Nae. She looked upset but I didn't bother her. She was in deep thought and you dont Ever Eva eva eva EVA mess with a female while she in deep thought.



"You invite JoJo?" David asked. He was finale back from his 'Vacation' and brought a Mixed chick with him.

"Yeah He a be here later." I was looking at a map of something I didn't know what. "What is this?"

"A map of where this shit gone take place."

"This look like a casino."

"It is." He chuckled. "Niggas we having a party!"

"Awe Shit Na." David and Lo shook up. I don't see what's all the excitement. "What?"

"Look we gone have a casino party but its gone be for Claudia.."

"Hold the fuck up why Claudia?"

Claudia was the mixed chick. She was gonna be joining us as soon as they got settled in.

"Cause they gone think its just another party and im telling you they gone wanna strike-"

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