You Again:

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We pulled up at the club and you could see the ladies lined up to go in. We knew big Dan the biggest man to work the door so we went right in. The vibes was feeling good and the music was loud. I could feel the women watching me and my boy from every direction.

Sasha approached us swaying her hips way to hard but I already knew who it was for. She had a thing for Brian. So did he. He nudged me then noticed we both seen her. We laughed.


"Whoa whoa, nah imma need you to turn around and try that again sweetheart." I chuckled.

"Cuse me? Brian don't play gam-"

"Last time I checked I was grown, how bout you Jay?"

"I been grown since I was 14 ma."

"-like I thought, so turn around and sway yo hips that'a way and try that approach again."  She rolled her eye to Canada and back but still turned around strutted back.

"Man females now days bro."

"Gotta keep these women on check." She approached us again.

"Jason, Brian."

"Sasha." We said at the same time. "That's how you approach men babygirl, ion know what lil ass boys you been around but that ain't this shawty you feel me?" She bit her lip and nodded playing with the heel of her shoe. I laughed. He had her ass wrapped.

"What the hell is so funny Jay?" She asked.

"Aye watch yo mouth-" he grabbed her hand pulling it up in the air and spun her in the opposite direction. "Go that way- Ayo Jay I'll be back."

"Take yo time." I moved through the crowd and towards VIP. I saw one of my mains in the section popping bottles.

"Jason my main mans what's good?" We shook up and I took a seat beside him. "Shit Jamie cooling."

"I see you out tonight got fresh one on wasup who you got on your arm?"

"Nah Ian got no female with me just Brian bitch ass but he somewhere with Sasha."

"Damn thick ass Sasha? She bad but the mouth on that one is vicious. I can't. I been done choked that girl out. Wait you say Brian got her? His temper shorter than mines, shid shorter than YOURS. Lord." I couldn't do nothing but laugh at this nigga but he was speaking the truths.

I scanned the club a couple times wasn't nobody in here to catch my eye. So I went back to my phone. Marie had texted me a couple times on some crazy shit, there was no stopping her. I got up and headed down the stairs to the bar.

Somebody patted my shoulder. "Long time no see."

"Jennifer, got damn girl look at you."

"You mean look at my ass." She folded her arms. "Shid you said it not me baby."

"I see you still got jokes wasup Jay." She held her arms out for a hug in which I couldn't resist. I gripped her waist. "Jesus, you really grew into yourself."

"I did, I'm modeling now." She did a nice 360 and posed laughing shortly after.

"Damn okay that's wasup, you looking real good Jenn it was nice running into you baby."

"My pleasure here take my number, I know we ain't the best of friends anymore but I'm down to reconnect when you are."

"Ight mama I'll be calling you soon." We hugged once more before she walked off and I followed with my eyes. 'Some things you just shouldn't let go of' I stated in my mind before reconnecting it back to the task I was doing before that. The bar.

"Let me get a miller light and some Vodka hard."

"Somebody trying to get drunk tonight."

"That's pretty light for me babygirl."

"Oh is it?"

"Wasup Brianna I didn't even know that was you."

She laughed. "Hey.. Can I get a Myx Moscato, 3 small shots of 1800 for me and 3 for him."

"You trying to get me fucked up huh?"

"Maybe, but just a little."

"Well bring that shit then." I positioned myself so I was stable.


A few hours passed and we were messed up.

"Ight I lose, I gotta be up bright and early tomorrow with a hangover like a bitch."

"Yay!! I win I win." She threw back another shot and struck a pose. I laughed.  Brian and Sasha had went home so I offered Brianna a ride since she said she didn't drive. She agreed and we helped each other out the club. I said bye to Dan and showed her to my Mas.

"Don't throw up in my baby, my interior cost more than your house." She drunkly laughed. "Boy byee."

"Drunk ass put yo seatbelt on." She snapped the seatbelt then let the seat all the way back. Laying down. I was hungry as hell. "You want something from Portillios?" She shook her head.

After getting my food she was out like a light. I ain't know where she lived and every time I tried waking her up she just turned her head so I went home, I couldn't afford getting pulled over.

Once we got to my house I parked in my driveway. She didn't move at all so I carried her into my house and upstairs. Marie was laying on the couch sleep and luckily the tv was up to a nice volume.  I closed my door and laid Bri on my bed. "I knew you'd carry me." I chuckled. "Next time I'll leave you in the car."

She cracked a couple giggles. "So there's gonna be a next time?"

I didn't answer, instead I locked my door and set the food on my dresser. She however, sat up and took her clothes off down to her underwear, even thoe she didn't have a bra on, and climbed in my bed and under the covers.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm going to bed, this is how I sleep, I mean unless you can't handle."

I shrugged and sat with my back against the headboard. For some reason the burger tasted like a full course well cooked out meal.

"Gimme some."



"Cause I asked did you want something and you said no."

"I was like half sleep that's not fair." I shrugged then after a while I handed her the bag with the fries in it. She beamed. "You must really like me."

I shrugged again taking my shirt off. "You gone come lay with me?" I didn't want to disappoint her so I did. I climbed behind her in the bed. After a couple minutes of silence, she turned over on me and tongued me out. I kissed her back then she pulled away looking me in my face. "Goodnight Jay."

"Goodnight Bri." At that moment I new this wasn't gone be no one night stand. This was something way more fortuned.

(Brianna Jackson x Briona Mae)

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