Room 207:

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Shit just got real. They shot us. I mean at us. That bitch ass nigga TJ can't even handle his own. I mean we or I didn't do shit to him. But that's the price I or we pay of our team being one. That's fucked up. I haven't seen Jason since we went down. What the fuck happen.

"Mr.Langum." I heard a voice say. I was in the hospital but I still haven't seen Jason.

"Mr.Langum we need you to wake up." She said again.

"I'm up I'm up." I said trying to sit up in the bed. It burned. I was shot in the side. I could tell because I had a layer of bans wrapping around my waist. In one spot it was red.

"Easy easy. I just need you to open your eyes you don't have to get up." She said

After a while I could tell she was my nurse. She was pretty to but I had bigger problems to deal with. "Did anyone come in with me?"

"No not that I know of. I wasn't here when you came in."

"Okay can I speak to the doctor that worked on me or something?"

"I don't think so at this moment but I can get the first nurse."

That ain't what I wanted to hear. "Alright I guess man." She left the room and went looking for the nurse. About 40 minutes later a new nurse came in. "What's the problem?"

"I just need to know were Jason Moore is."

"I'm sorry but I don't have that type of information."

"Can you get it at lease see if he in the damn hospital, shit, wait lemme guess you can't do that either?"

"I don't know I would have to see."

"Know what fuck it can you get me my phone?"

She went to the stand next to me and pulled out all the stuff I had with me when I came in. Lucky I didn't have any bags on me. She handed me two phones out the bag. Mines and Jason's Shit! I cant even call him. So I decided to call Brianna.


I can't even believe this shit. How the hell could something like this happen.

Jason was laying in the bed next to the chair I was sitting in. He was knocked out when I got here so I left him. I could tell he was shot in multiple places. The Arm , Leg, and shoulder. They fucked my baby up. JoJo was on his way up here when he gets out of tutoring. I know he needs it so I couldn't let him leave early.

My phone started ringing and i looked at a blank ID. "Hello?" I said picking up the phone and sounding like I was still crying.

"Hey Bri you okay?"

"Who is this?"

"David you okay?"

"What the fuck. David what happen?"

"TJ . Logan layed him out earlier I guess this his revenge."

"See if you woulda just told Jason in the beginning You would know he got the bag you fucking idiot. He been had it .. he just wanted to see if ANY of you niggas was as real a y'all said and all y'all some fake motherfuckers. Why not just let yo BOSS know the deal and let him handle it but hell naw y'all gotta be some hard headed bitches For what? To show you better then him? To show you could handle the business? For that I would firer all you hoes and handle my shit my self the fuck is wrong with y'all so hell naw I'M not okay ya got me?" I said with anger deeper then I knew.

"Damn ... I was just tryin to check up on y'all but I guess not ... Anyways is he around you?"

"Yeah he laying right here in the bed but he sleep." And with that I hung up I didn't have nothing else to say to nobody but Jason.

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