Prologue- 2 years:

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"RAQUEL COME'ERE!" Today is my lil sister birthday and everyone was gathered at the house. I've spent all day chasing bad ass kids around and by bad I mean Lilly , Zyena , Zuri , Chloe , Skylar , and the birthday girl, Raquel. For them to be girls they were bad as hell, just like their fathers.

I sat on the counter in the kitchen with Raquel and Sky in my lap eating cake. "Imma be sticky as hell." Kim laughed at me walking back out the kitchen to the backyard. I looked around at my family who've grown closer than ever.

My dad, Uncle Brian, Logan, David , Beanie, and Dom sat at the dining room table playing spades with Brian Jr right up under his father. Outside sat Kim, Claudia, Meeka, Sasha, and My moms along with some of their girlfriends. They sat by the pool with their feet in or in the chairs gossiping and whatever else they did. I figured everyone thought I was a babysitter by now cause I was watching all their bad ass kids. Michael and JC decided to go out without me. Ja'Nae and Michael ain't had the best time with one another but their working on it. He'd still kill for his lil sister no matter what. She was out of town with her friends so thats what also made me stay home. Im tryna be good while she gone.

I put Skyler down and she ran to her brother while I had bonding time with a dosing off Raquel. This little girl was my world and she's changed our lives for for the better. I eased off the counter and headed for her bedroom slowly looking at her and kissing her cheeks repeatedly. She looked just like me and my dad with her mothers eyes and hair. She was a Moore no denying it. Speaking of Moore, I officially dropped my moms last names and kept my fathers, Joseph Moore, it was official. Walking in the room I turned on the night light that brightened the entire room, and the monitor clipping the other one on my shirt.

"She gone ain't she?" He made his way inside the room and over to me as I handed her over in his arms. He cooed a couple things to her then kissed her forehead before laying her down .

I watched in amazement. I never experienced this part of my father. I heard he was there at my birth, birthday, holidays and all and I even remember some of them, but I never experienced this bond he and Raquel shared until I was older, but I didn't blame him, I didn't blame anyone, what happened, happened and we've moved forwards, happily. I wasn't jealous at all, it was good to see him bring down his walls and be so open with her, to see him as a father and not a drug lord.

He laid her in the crib and watched for a moment, I did too. Slickly I handed him the monitor. He laughed. "You off duty huh?"

"Yes sir, I'm done with the children's, I'm hanging with the big dogs now." He laughed again. "Is that so kid?"

"Yes sir, might even take yo seat." Again with the laughing, and even I had to laugh. "My seat? Boy I will lay you out." I laughed first this time. Even though I been taking the classes, my father would still put me on my back, no hesitation. "Easy there you getting kinda old, can't keep up with my youngish way-"

"Do you know who you speaking too, I'm the greatest, I made you-"

"Which means I'm 10x better. I'm you and then some." We both laughed hella hard and embraced in a father-son side hug. "Ian never that crazy to try you pops."

"I know, Ian never worried about you trying me Jo." He set the monitor down and started to square up with me.

"You trying to shoot yo one old man," I squared up with him and laughed as we started going at it wrestling. I was handling him until I slipped and let him get me in a lock. I swear this nigga was still strong as hell. Even after being shot a thousand times. The next thing I knew I was going up-

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