What The FUCK:

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Hopping out the cars me Robin, Natasha, Dom and Brandon walk over to the grave were everyone was about to leave. Spotting us David begin to walk our way but was stopped by TJ's Brother. He leaned in to whisper something that I couldn't make out from my distance. I could tell though, It wasn't nothing good by the expression on Davids face. Walking across the yard people knew who I was.

"You know, You got your nerves to bring yo ass up here and see my family suffer." Said tank , TJ's Little big brother.

"And your brother had his nervous to Shoot my son and Fuck my girl. So I guess we even now Bruh. He laid them down, I laid him down."

"Naw see it ain't even, its far from it. See we gone get ours but we got hit you were it hurt."

"Talk that shit right now." I said Pulling the 202 form my belt. Just to make sure he knew I was packing.

"Fuck that's supposed to scare me? Huh. nigga im as real as you is." He said doing the same.

"Stop it just stop IT. I cant BELIEVE my grandson cant even get no rest while he dead. I have see you young thugs waist yo life and you continue to do it. Make me sick. Tank you should try to set an example. You know damn well yo daddy is turning over in his grave boiling hot cause you and TJ doing the same Shit he did, And yo momma lawd knows my daughter is having a fit to see you get ya self into the same shit that killed them. Lets go Charles. Oh yeah and Mr.Jason I hope your more then happy with yourself." Said TJ's Grandmother.

Tank and TJs parents were killed in 2001 6 bullets to the head EACH. People say Jonathan was into some stuff and didn't want to pay. He thought moving away and changing himself was gone get him out of it. Their mother was Innocent just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Her and John was on their anniversary date on the way home for the "Desert" if you get me. They got hit buy the truck and was pushed off the road. They wasn't dead then until the put the bullets in john head. They wasn't gonna kill her but she seen everything so they ain't take no chances. put 6 to her head and 6 to her stomach just to make sure she wasn't pregnant. Nobody gets the last part but hey it happen. Lucky TJ and Tank were out of town with their grandparents at the time or they would have been gone to.

"This ain't over." Tank said , bumped me then walked off.

Turning around I aimed the 202 at the back of his head and unlocked the safety. Grabbing the gun from my hands David shook his head and walked off. He knew I was fucked up or he wouldn't have took it.

Going back to our cars I laughed then took off.


"That's yo last one Mr.Towns you gotta go."

"Okay im going damn ain't gotta do a brutha like that."

"More like GrandBrutha you over 50 man get out of here."

"Im going. Come on peaches."

Cleaning off the bar from all the old men who think they got game but come late and stay all damn day I put the cups away and turn the lights in the back off.

"Damn ma can I get a Light and just sit it on ya ass."

"Stupid what you doing here David cause I'm finna go."

"Nothing I seen your car so I came in for a drink."

"To bad I packed up already."

"Unpack shit. I just came from a funeral."



"Why you .. Never mind no i ain't unpacking I'm finna go home."

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