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Derek woke up with the sun in his eyes. He blinked a couple times and then looked around. He finally fell on the head of long, dirty blonde hair. He smiled to himself and then looked at the clock. 10:15. Damn it...they were late for school!

"Shit!" Derek sat up. His voice caused Meredith to stir and open her eyes.

"Hey handsom." She smiled. They had had a wonderful night...after the first time, they had done a couple more rounds...each more wonderful than the last...

"Mer...it's 10:15, we're going to be late for school!"

"What?" She said said and sat up, in the process the sheet fell down fron her chin, exposing her brests. Derek looked down at them and couldn't help but stare...damn it, this is only making you more late! Derek thought.

"Derek!" He heard and snapped his head up to look at Meredith. "Up here." She giggled.

"Right." He smirked.

"I didn't here what you said." She said.

"We're going to be late for school." He said.

Meredith looked at the clock on the nightstand and her eyes got wide. "Shit!" She said.

"Yeah.." He said.

"Well...um...we could go after lunch..." She said...

"What?" He asked.

"Well..." She got an evil grin on her face. "If we are already late...it won't matter if we are just a tiny more late." She giggled and pushed him back into the laying position to straddle him.

Derek chuckled. "I wouldn't mind." He smiled.

"Good." She said and leaned down to kiss him. Derek's hands went up to crup her beautiful breasts and massage them. Meredith moaned as she layed her body into him.

Then they heard a soft close of a door somewhere...Meredith sat up.

"What was that?" She asked.

"I don't know." Derek said.

They sat there in silence, trying ot hear anything. "Muse be my mother...damn it!" Meredith said, but didn't move from her spot on Derek.

"You mother?" Derek asked.

"Yeah...my mother...Ellis Grey, big time surgeon who is neve home...except for now." Meredith said.

"Oh that mother." Derek chuckled.

"You think this is funny?" She looked down at him. "My mother is in this house...and we are naked in this house!" Meredith hissed.

"Meredith?!" They heard.

"Crap....get dressed." Meredith said and jumped off ofhim to find some sort of clothes. "Get your clothes on!" She said urgently and pulled him up into the sitting position, getting a glance of his penis, that was now erect from what they had been doing.

"Meredith? You here?!" They heard Ellis yell and creak of a stair.

"Shit...what does she want with me now?" Meredith asked.

Derek sighed as he got his boxers and put them on. Meredith looked around and saw a bath robe hanging on her door and went over and got it and put it on...

"Meredith? I saw your car..." Ellis's voice was coming closer.

"Shit!" Meredith said and started to pace. "Derek, you have to hide." Meredith said urgenty.

"Where?" Derek asked, looking around the room...


"Meredith?" Ellis's voice was practically right outside her door. Meredith jumped in fright.

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