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"Damn it!" Meredith yelled. She was running late for her first class of her first day, hoe perfect and as she was runnign up the stairs, she had tripped and knocked all things out of her hand and her bag dropped and toppled down a couple fo stairs.

She gave a frustrated sigh as people walked up, taking a quick glance at the mess she had made. Before she cleaned up her things, she went to go grab her bag when she saw it wasn't there. She looked up and met eyes with a average height, asian girl, looking annoyed and holding out her bag for her

"This was in my way." She said pointatly and thrusted it more towards Meredith

"Sorry, i tripped..." She took the bag from the girl and smiled weakely as she went to clean up her mess of things. The bell rand and she groaned. Her first day and she was late

"you look flustered...what's wrong?" The asian asked as she bent down to Meredith's level, but not helping with the things on the floor

"I'm new and-" was all she had to say and all she got out

"Oh! newbie! i get it now. I guess...the least i could do is show you to your class" She shrugged and ripped the paper schedual out of Meredith's hand and started to look over it

"Yeah, i guess that would be helpful, thanks. I know it's on the top floor but-"

"yeah, shut up" She snapped as she moved her hand in a way to tell her to quite down

Meredith stopped and turned to her things that was in needing of being picked up. They were standing there for about 30 seconds before Meredith had everything messily in her hands and Cristina nodded as she said "This way."

"no really?" Meredith snapped at the girl pointed up the stairs and took a step forward up the stairs. The Asian looked back at her with a surprised look which then turned into a smile as she slowly went down to meredith's step and stood there before saying

"I like you" She pointed at her "But seriously, sarcasm won't work for you. That's my job" she said matter-of-factly

"Ok" Meredith said cautiously

"Well come on, your already late enough and i can't afford this much time with all the tardies i have." She made her way up the stairs and Meredith followed, mad at herself for being late and having to trip.

They walked in silence till the girl stopped in front of a classroom

"This is it." She pointed at the door "and meet me in that bathroom-" she pointed at the nearest bathroom "durning brake, which is after next period, hopefully you'll be able to find that, you just go down one level and right (she pointed at the map) and then it is somewhere there and then i can tell you where the rest of your classes are, i see you already have...1...2..3..4 classes with me. first 2 periods, we don't have together, but anyway...meet me there and i'll be like your escort to the rest of your classes and then i'll show you where i eat for lunch, i have friends that i don't even know why i am friends with, but whatever, you got that?" She stopped finally after her rumble, meredith had her eyebrows raised and nodded slowly

"Good, now, i trust that you can find the door right in front of us to go to your...(she looked at the schedual) for english."

"Yes, i know what the door is and where it leads" Meredith said boredly

"Ok, good" She started walk away quickly when she turned to Meredith

"Oh, i almost forgot to give you my name" She said walking over to Meredith

"Right" Meredith said smiling, she was warming up to this girl already

"Names Cristina" She held out her hand

"Meredith" Meredith said back shaking her hand

"Meredith" Cristina said, braking the hand shake

"Cristina" Meredith said nodding

"Well, i'll see you around" Cristina sad rushing off the other way

"See you" Meredith said and turning towards her class, opening the door and walking in

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