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Meredith sighed as she reached the landing of the steps infront her house door. She was tired and bleh. Yeah, she had her fun with derek for the day, hoping he owuld think on the friend thing...but she really also didn't get why he was still hanging out with him...shows how much he cared about her.

She put the key in the lock and jumped out of her skin when she heard her name. She turned around and saw, of course, Derek.

"Holy Shit! What the hell!" She took her bag and started to hit him with it

"Hey! hey! stop it! HEY!" Derek yelled. She soon stopped and tried to regain her breath

"Don't do that! you huge piece of...no brains!" She said and turned back to the door

"I need to talk to you" He said, rubbing his right arm.

"oh, what a shocker" she said in a bored voice "that's only what you've been trying to do for the last 2 weeks." She said

"exactly! so why won't you let me talk to you?" He asked

She sighed as she turned to derek "why do you think?!" she yelled "You hurt me bad and i needed time...I still need TIME, to at least look you in the face and not want to hit you!" She was getting so annoyed

"It's been 2 weeks!" he said

"yeah well" She shrugged and threw her arms in the air and let them fall "it just doesn't go away after 2 weeks Derek. You still bet on me...you still used me...that..." She breathed out. "will never go away."

Derek felt guilt swarm all over as they looked into eachothers for real in the last two weeks...for the first time.

"how did you find my house?" She asked

"I followed you home" He said an knew it sounded wierd

"oh geez, Derek...that make me feel so much better knowing that you followed me like some stalker creep."

"I had to...i needed to be alone with you and be able to talk to you...at least...make you talk or let me talk and explain"

She scoffed and rolled her eyes and looked upward...what was there to explain?

"what is there to explain?" She asked


She waited a while before saying "fine...just say what you need to say and go" She brought her head down to look at him, really really look at him. She got lost in a see of blue, he got lost in a forest of green. He hadn't start to talk yet, because he was mesmorized by her eyes...she was so beautiful.

"I..." He began

She broke the gaze out the sound of his voice and now only half looke at him...

"I..." was all he could get out again

"you know, Derek, if all you are going to say is 'I' then i'm just going to go inside, you can leave" She said adn made her way to turn but tehn he said "wait!" She stopped and turned back to him

"i'm listening" She said

"I guess i'll get straight to the point, then" he said

"you do that" She said

"I have feelings for you" He said. Her breath caught in her throat as she said nothing and nodded, signaling him to move. He had feelings for her...or did he? was he just saying this to get on her good side?

"I have feelings for you and i was a complete idiot when i took that bet. I didn't even really want to do it...but...i don't know what was going on inside my head, because i could have tried without the bet..without the money" He said. She snorted and nodded, agreeing...why hadn't he tried without the bet? "I didn't know i was going to have feelings for you...and...I...I started to have feelings for you about a week in and i couldn't be getting feelings, i thought because..." He stopped for a second and remember what Mark had said, earlier that day...he didn't know why it all the sudden popped into his head...but after a month if know Meredith...he...no way...this couldn't be...Mark said...

Derek breathed in as he fought back relief...he loved her...he was completly hoplessly in love with her...and he knew that if said that, that she wouldn't think he was lying...why would someone lie about that? someone stupid, obviously...he didn't know why it hadn't come into his thoughts sooner....even though it had been a month...you didn't really need time to figure out if you loved someone...he loved her...man he loved thinking that...he noticed that she was looking at him confused and had furrowed her eye brow

"I.." He stammered again

"what's wrong, Derek? you've been silent for while now" She said

"Meredith...I can't believe i didn't think of this before! i...that bet was completely stupid and i don't know why i didn't just call it off...Meredith...i can't belive it but..." He looked up at her and she was getting tears in her eyes

"Meredith..." He stepped forward and took her hands, she didn't pull back, but she went tense a little. "Meredith, I love you" He blurted out and he loved saying it..."I love you...i'm in love with you.."

She felt like the wind had been knocked out of her as she tried to breath...tears started comign down her face

"I was so stupid not to realize it before...Meredith...I...that bet was so stupid and i am an ass, an idiot...i just...Meredit, I love you!" He looked pleadingly in her eyes. He didn't expect her to say it...not after what he did, but he thought, maybe now she could forgive him...he was a complete idiot and couldn't stop saying that to himself and also couldn't stop saying he loved Meredith...

"I know it's been only a month and i know that, but it doesn't have to take time to love someone...as long as you realise you love them" He said and all he got were tears and frozeness

She was expecting him to say he had feelings, like he was originally saying so he could get on her good side, but...i love you? had she been hearing all those freaking times he said it...why did he have to keep saying it? she didn't know what to say...was it one of those where you bet on someone you don't know and then fall for tehm along the way? her brain was racking with questions and thoughts...she felt like she couldn't breath...she needed to get away...she needed to be alone..she needed to think,before she did something stupid

"I-" Was all she could out before she took his hands away from her and she wheeled around and went into the house, leaving Derek....

I'm still getting pissed with
Derek with Rose

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Ignore the red line I think I accidentally did it lol...

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