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⚠️Trigger Warning ⚠️
• Rape and Sexual Assault
• Abuse (physical, mental, emotional, verbal, sexual)
• Strong Language

Meredith didn't know what to do. It was all over, she was being raped and he was to strong to over power. She was getting weaker by the minute as she held him off from taking her pants off. She couldn't stand this.

Meredith felt her arms start to grow week from holding him off any longer and Charles finally got a hold of both her arms and put them over her head as he kissed her head again. That's what he had been doing while trying to unzip her pants, kissing her so much she thought she would die. This was pure torture and she wondered if the tears would ever stop. She doubted that as he went to the buttons of her pants before she could even move her arms. She needed Derek. But he was probably at home doing god knows what, thinking this had all been over and thinking that there was no way in hell that his girlfriend could possibly be getting raped.

But she was, she was getting raped. She squirmed as cried as she moved her hips wildly, her last attempt to force him off.

"Get off me you sick bastard, get the fuck off me, i don't want you!" Meredith screamed through the sobs, the sobs that were never ending.

"Shut up you fucking beauty or i'll bite instead of kiss." Charles said with a small on his face. Meredith glared as him and something came over her. She took her fist and swung it forward so it made contact with the side of his face. Why hadn't she thought of that before?

Charles gasped and staggered backward, holding his face. Meredith fixed her bra and buttoned her jeans as she tried to catch her breath to scream. She needed to scream. Not scream in the way you did when you had a orgasm, but scream as loud as she could so she could get help, get her Derek.

Right as she sucked in her breath to scream, Charles took her by the waist and threw her to the ground, roughly sliding her bra back down and taking her nipple in his mouth, while unbuttoning and unzipping her pants before Meredith had time to do anything. This felt gross, she needed to this to stop, but her was to strong as he held her hands down on the floor above her head. He was completely naked, but she still had layers covering her.

Charles sucked and sucked, all the while Meredith still thrashed and sobbed. When would this be over? When would she have her Derek.

Just then Charles moved away from her nipple and sucked on her neck. Meredith grimaced and thrashed even more. She was so tired, but she still kept going. Then Charles whispered in her ear.

"I saw you before your precious Derek ever did. I saw you when you first came in October...and i wanted to talk to you, i did, but i was to nervous and when i got the courage to, it was to late, you were already sucked in by the wrath of fucking Derek Shepherd. And look what he did to you? He bet on you, used you like some whore. No, i would never do that." Charles said as he moved downward to her nipple again.

Meredith shook her head, thrashing and trying to take the memories out.

"You aren't better than Derek, you aren't. Raping is much worse than a bet and i'm already feeling like a whore! You are using me for your own satisfaction! So what makes you so much better than Derek, huh?" Meredith was still sobbing, somehow as she thrashed and almost successfully pulled him off her, but he held on.

Charles didn't say anything but continued downward on his decent.

Meredith screamed as loud as she could now and sobbed and sobbed. It would never be over.

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