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Meredith sat with Cristina and Izzie the next day of school. They were talking when Derek came up and sat next to them

"what's McAss doing here?" Cristina said

"McAss?" Derek asked.

"They don't know about us yet." Meredith whispered to him and turned to her friends, who's faces looks so confused.

"Derek and I are together now." Meredith said

"oh really!" Izzie said happily. "I knew you guys would find you way back to eachother, it was only a matter of time! well...it's really great that you could forgive him." Izzie smiled.

"I didn't-" Meredith started but before she could go on a not so cheerful Cristina spoke.

"you serious mer?! After what he did to you, you just take him back and forgive him? Mer...he hurt you, bad and now you just going on with him as if nothing happened mer! I would never forgive a guy for using me like that." Cristina hissed

"I never used her!" Derek chimed in, pointing a finger and Cristina, but his arm was pulled down by Meredith and she said, "Derek, let me talk to her." Derek hesitated, then sank back in his chair.

Meredith turned to Cristina. "Cristina, i didn't forgive him and all he can do is kiss me, we are taking it slow and i don't trust him fully yet and i relationship won't be whole till i do, and he already knows all this and we have discussed it. He loves me, he never used me, he said he regretted it once he had gotten to know me." Meredith sighed

"How do you know he did just say that to get inot your pants again?" Cristina said

"Because, if had just used me to get a good fuck, he would have taken his money and left, he would never have tried to get on good terms with me if he hadn't cared about me and if he still had got on good terms with me and he still just wanted a good fuck, why would he actually be waiting till i was ready again? wouldn't he just go and try to get another woman to fuck?"

"That's a good point." Cristina countered. "But i still don't trust him."

"Cristina..." Meredith sighed. "neither do I."

Derek felt a pang in his chest at those words, even though he had heard them before
"you don't? that's good...i mean i wouldn't trust him." Cristina said

"And i told you, i dont." Meredith said

"good, just....Meredith, i know i sound like a bitch, but i worry about you and as much as i hate to admitt it, i care about you and i hated seeing you hurt like that."

Meredith couldn't help it, she smiled. Cristina cared about her...

"I know and thank you, but i'm being cautious...i might kiss him or let him kiss me, but i'm not having sex with him and i mean...we aren't all that serious yet." Meredith said. She saw Cristina's eye move up and follow something, as did Izzie, but Meredith shook it odd and continued. "Anyway...i'm telling you now, we're taking it slow." Meredith shrugged.

"well it's good you are really smart or you would play into his trap again." Cristina said

"trap? he doesn't have a trap...anymore...wait...what?" Meredith said

"I mean...whatever...just try not to get hurt again, you know what, don't do the hurting either."

"I'll try my hardest Cris-" Meredith started but Izzie spoke.

"Uh...Mer, i hate to interupt, but Derek is gone..." Izzie said

Meredith looked at her all confused and then turned her head. Izzie was indeed right. Derek had left...Meredith sighed and turned and propped her elbows on the table and put her head in her hands. She must have insulted Derek or something...maybe he had been uncomforatble...she would have been. But he had already heard that...so Meredith was a little confused that he would be that much of a drama queen that he would actually leave the table and not say anything.

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