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"Look...i'm sorry if i'm being the annoying family member of the patient...but we have been waiting and waiting...can we just go see her please." Derek sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. After his little outburst, he had stood there and closed his eyes and tried to calm down while the doctor stared at him.

"Sure...i'm sorry for the wait." Dr. Stein said. "I'll take you there." He conculded.

"Thank you." Derek said, sighing heavily.

Meredith and Nancy stood up and the three of them followed the doctor. Once they were in the elevator, the doctor turned to them.

"Oh...after what you told me, when your mother is awake and stable, we'll have to move her to phsych." Dr. Stein said.

"Phsych?" Derek said, his eyes wide.

"Well-" Dr. Stein went to say, but the door behind him opened and they march froward, not wanting to discuss it with all those people around.

They made there way to her room and Derek and Nancy rushed in, taking a hand of Mrs. Shepard, looking up at her pale face. Meredith stepped forward behind Derek.

"I'll leave you alone." Dr. Stein said, closing the door behind him. No one gave any notice of his words.

"Oh god..." Nancy sobbed, sitting on the bed, her mother's hand still in hers. "Why mom? Why?" She sobbed.

Derek had silent tears running down his cheeks, holding on to his mother's hand firmly.

Meredith wasn't crying. But she was standing at the end of the bed, a blank expression on her face. Derek was getting so much better...and now this had to happen...she didn't know how to make this better for Derek...she feared the coming days and weeks...she just wanted her and Derek to be happy and everytime they came close...something bad happened that set them back...she was getting sick of it.

She barely new Mrs. Shepard...just like she hadn't known Mr. Shepard...but now Mrs. Shepard had lived and maybe...later they could get to know eachother...

Things were just so messed up right now. Her and Derek...she had no idea what her and Derek were...Girlfriend and Boyfriend? Maybe...but it still didn't seem...offcial...like they were still in that spot where Meredith didn't know what she wanted and Derek was now in on it to...he had no idea what he wanted...and this just made it worse.

Then there he and her friends. They weren't talking...and over what? Because she had been obbsesing over Derek...it wasn't her fault. Her and her friends were...she had no idea, because it was incredibly stupid. She just wished they could make up...because at this moment in time. She had no one. Not even Derek...and having friends would be nice.
Meredith felt like a living zombie. She hadn't gone to school for the past 3 days, neither had Derek, neither had Nancy. Meredith hadn't eaten, hadn't slept. She couldn't. All she could think about was Derek and how he needed her, but she didn't know what to do...and she hadn't eaten because shew as in the hospital almost all the time and she didn't want to eat the crap and didn't feel like it. She would come in and see that Mrs. Shepard hadn't woke up yet. She was still in a blissful sleep, trying ot regain her color and come back to consiousness.

She hated seeing Derek like this. He was to sad and...he was Dark and Twisty and out of it, like she was at this point that when she came into the room, he never noticed her. When they at least glanced at eachother, there was no sparkle in his eyes and the barely ever talked...and it was all vice versa with her when he walked into the room or they looked at eachohter...her eyes were dark and dull. Nancy was just...there. Scared.

Also, as freaky and wierd as it was, none of thier other sisters had made it yet. They had all called with either saying, their flight had been delayed, the couldn't get off work, no matter how many times they tried to, or the car had broken down. So...it was them three and at this point Meredith didn't no why she was here. She looked a mess, like Derek and Nancy...but at least they managed to eat a little. Why? Why was she staying here? She barley knew Mrs. Shepard. Thre reason? She loved Derek. She was to in love with him to run away...like he would notice at this point...but still.

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