1. Moving Discussions

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M/n = male name
H/c = hair color
E/c = eye color

3rd POV

"Langa!" Nanako called up the stairs. Langa walked down the stairs to meet his mother.
"Yes?" Langa questioned.
"I have something to discuss with you and M/n." Nanako smiled.
"Where is M/n?"
"Oh- um.." Nanako frantically pulled her phone out and sent a quick message to M/n. After sending the message she sat down at the table and resumed smiling at her son.

"He'll be here in a bit."
Langa nodded. A ding was heard from Nanako's phone, a reply. Nanako beamed, "He's almost back."
A few minutes later the front door opened to reveal a tall male with short H/c hair and dark/light E/c eyes.

"Hey, sorry I'm late." M/n apologized.
"It's alright, anyway I wanted to talk to you both about something." Nanako said.
Langa and M/n stayed silent, waiting for Nanako to continue.

"So since, Oliver...has been gone for a while now-although it has been a short while-believe we should go to Japan. Okinawa, specifically. It's where I grew up. The reason why I want to leave is because now Canada feels so—so lonely." Nanako explained.

"But this is where I grew up, where he lives on the most..." Langa protested quietly. His voice was monotone and soft, but Nanako heard him loud and clear.
"I know, sweetie, he will always live on here the most but in Japan we—or at least me—won't feel so sad each time we enter the house." Nanako reasoned.
Langa nodded in agreement.
"Why am I here, Nanako?" M/n asked before either could speak again. "I mean, I know I live with you, but I don't understand why I'm included in the conversation.

"Oh, I was hoping you would come with us. You are practically part of the family, so I thought it fitting. Plus, you have family there last I heard of." Nanako said.
"Oh, that's very kind of you, Nanako, however, I do have my career here to think about."
"I know, I know, M/n but you're family, it won't be the same without you." Nanako persisted.

M/n nodded, understanding Nanako's perspective on the matter.
"So, Langa, what do you think ab-about moving to Okinawa, Japan?" Nanako stuttered.
"I don't see why not.." Langa paused, "I mean if you want to go, I don't really have a say.."
"No no no no!" Nanako shook her head frantically, "The entire reason why I wanted to talk to you about it is because I wanted your opinions on whether to go or not."

"I mean it would be a change, most likely a good one." Langa reasoned to himself. "I'll go."
"That's perfect!" Nanako clapped. "M/n, what about you?"
"Well, umm. I do have something I wanted to talk to you about."
Nanako nodded for M/n to continue.

"Well, I got news that recently my aunt died and she lived in the outskirts of Okinawa. And since my parents don't plan on leaving their lives to move into a one person apartment, or something, and my uncle died a few years ago, and neither of my parents had siblings, the exception being my aunt who is a step sibling to my mother. I'm inheriting everything that belonged to her, including her house." M/n rambled.

"Oh.." Nanako breathes out. "So you won't be leaving with us?"
"I will be," M/n answered, "But there's no point of wasting an inheritance, until I see what it looks like at least."
"That's fine, it'll be a bit weird without you in the house, although it is better than you staying in Canada, although it would be nice to come back here to this house in case of too much homesickness..." Nanako continued to babbled.

M/n looked at Langa, concern gracing both of their faces as they watched Nanako ramble about the house.
"I-uh.. Mom?" Langa asked, interrupting his mother's rambling.
"Uh y-yes?" Nanako asked, being pulled out of her trance.
"I'm gonna go to bed now, then start packing tomorrow."
"Eh! Well I don't have a house picked out yet.."
"That's fine, might as well get a head start."
M/n cut in. "Pack stuff you won't need kiddo, I'll help look through stuff in the morning."

Langa nodded and went upstairs.
"Need any help down here?" M/n asked.
"No, not right now..Though could you look at houses.." Nanako hesitated.
M/n nodded then headed upstairs to his room. Instead of going to sleep, he started to pack. Packing things like; extra clothes—dress clothes to be specific, extra shoes, odds and ends in his room.

11:58 P.M.

M/n finished shoving the last thing into the extras suitcase. He had gone through the majority of his room, clearing out old garbage, papers that were no longer needed, and random things he forgot he had.

M/n had most of his clothes still folded neatly in drawers and even if he needed anything else it was just a suitcase digging away. He flopped backwards onto his bed, starfish pose like. His phone buzzed on the nightstand next to his bed. He fumbled blindly, reaching around trying to locate where his phone was. Once he got a hold of it, he opened it to check the notification.


Respond to me

What could you possibly want this late

It's 4pm where I live dipshit


I wanna talk to you about a visit
Mama's been asking about you, yknow

I wouldn't mind seeing you again
Though I am in the process of moving
So we may have to postpone our meeting

That's quite alright
I have a few business issues to sort out anyway
Get some sleep


Despite being late and having a busy next few days, M/n continued to stay on his phone. He goal was to find the perfect house for Nanako and Langa. After a while of scrolling he found something; a two story house, at least two bathrooms, several potential bedrooms, lounge area, relatively medium kitchen, office,  a small attic.

It was perfect for them. Although he wouldn't be living with them, but in any case that his late aunt's house didn't work for him, he could always stay with the Hasegawas. He copied the website's URL, plugged in his phone, rolled over and fell asleep.

The next morning, he awoke to the loud alarm on his phone. M/n quickly fumbled around and turned it off. He got up and walked to the bathroom he shared with Langa, stripped and took a shower.

Once out he redressed into clothes for the day and quickly finished his bathroom routine, he walked downstairs with his bag at his side.

First chapter done!
Any guesses as to what M/n's job is?

Have a good day/night/afternoon! Make sure to take care of yourself!

Editing Author:
When you're editing chapters of something you haven't worked on a long time and you forget the lore.
Thank you all for the love!
I'm working through the chapters and editing after many months of procrastination.

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