7. S

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M/n = male name
H/c = hair color
E/c = eye color
F/f = favorite food

3rd POV
It was currently 10 am, M/n had just finished his morning routine and eaten something when he received a text message.


Hey, Reki what time are we meeting up to get the sticker to S?

'S? What the hell is that?' M/n asked before responding to the text, knowing he could get caught by either Langa or Reki for this.


Hey, Langa
What are you talking about?
What's S?

Reki I thought you knew what S was you were the one who explained in the first place

Langa this isn't Reki

What do you mean?
Oh hi M/n sorry bout that
Trying to ask Reki some stuff

I can tell how bout I drive over to yours and I'll pick you up then we head to Dope Sketch?


M/n sighed, he'd get to the bottom of this somehow. He got up to go start the car when it hit him. He grabbed a bag big enough for what he needed and ran up the stairs. He dug around in the spare room, that was currently being used for storage, and took out what he was looking for.

Once he retrieved the item he shoved it in the bag, threw the bag's strap over his shoulder and headed to his car.

The car ride to Langa and Nanako's house was silent. M/n was thinking. What is S? Seems kinda sketchy. If Reki knew about and was able to get in, M/n guessed it wasn't anything too dangerous.

How wrong he would be.

M/n pulled into the Hasegawas driveway and texted Langa he was here. Langa came out of the house and got in the passenger side of the car.

"It's not much further." Langa said.
"That's what you said twenty minutes ago, Langa."
"There it is!" Langa pointed the building.
M/n pulled into a nearby parking area and shoved Langa out of the car.

The two walked inside Dope Sketch, the bell on the top of the door rang. Oka-san came out from the back.
"Hello Langa, what brings you here?" Oka-san asked.
"Hey, I'm here to get Reki to get the stickers. Oh and this is M/n."

Oka nodded. "Reki! Langa's here with someone named M/n."
Reki came running from the back room, wrench in hand.
"Hey Langa, M/n!" Reki greeted. "I'm gonna go now, bye Manger Oka-san!"

Reki ran out the door skateboard in hand, Langa and M/n trailing behind him slowly. Langa soon caught up with Reki and the two began talking about S.

M/n felt out of place. Renga was talking about S and it's races, or beefs as Reki says the proper terminology is.

Reki and Langa stopped, a big man approached them and held out two stickers with the S logo on them. Reki took them and handed one to Langa and one to M/n.

"You can't lose these or you can't be let into S." Reki explained.
Langa and M/n nodded.
M/n bid the two farewell and left. He walked back to Dope Sketch and left for Sia la Luce.

2nd POV
"Joe-san!" You called into the seemingly empty restaurant.
Joe came out from the back room, back kitchen most likely.

"Hey M/n!" Joe greeted.
"Hey, it's 1:00 pm.. sorry I came later than expected. Though why do you close at 7:30?" You questioned.

"Oh... um I have stuff to do at 8:00–" Joe trailed off as he noticed the S sticker clutched in your hands.

"Joe-san?" You eyes caught onto what he had noticed. "You go too huh?"

"Uhh yea.. since when did you?"

"Haven't gone yet, just got this.." you answered.

"Oh well after your shift swing by here at around 10:45 and we'll go together!" Joe said, smiling his stupid gorilla smile.

"Sure, is there something I have to wear orrr?" You asked.

"No. There's no specific dress code just have to not be completely naked, I guess." Joe thought aloud.

"Well I wasn't planning on doing that anyways." You laughed.

He laughed. "Well there are some cute chicks who wear some really revealing stuff though they have boyfriends." Joe said, almost disappointed.

'Ohh either Green Haired-San is jealous that he doesn't have a girl or just a bit on the line of gay and straight..." You thought.

A few hours later
You sighed the last customer had just left after spending almost the entire time flirting with Joe. Which he somewhat flirted back. Though it was funny to watch, it long and very boring.

You left a little after 7:05 pm. Returned home to decide what to wear. After you figured out what to wear down to S you laid back down in your bed an alarm set on your phone for 10:30. Deciding since it'd be fine if you were late.

Word count: 822
Short chapter cuz
1. Am lazy
2. I posted this later than planned

Do you think you meet Cherry next chapter or will it take more time?

Have a good day/night/afternoon! Make sure to eat and drink something!

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