12. That One Sketchy Island

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M/n = male name
H/c = hair color
E/c = eye color
F/c = favorite color

3rd POV
All of them had slept in the next day, except Joe and Shadow cause they actually had jobs.

Miya was up somewhat early had skated over to the skate park to cool off some steam and practice.

Reki had slept in after watching videos of skateboarding pros for two hours after he got home.

Langa had slept until 10:30 until he finally got up. Nanako was at work.

Kaoru was pacing. He had slept in and cancelled all plans for that day. He was debating whether or not he liked M/n, he had been, so far, denying it.

Langa, after eating, grabbed his board and skated over to the skate park. Texting Reki on his way.

"Miya!" Langa called.

Miya turned, smiling slightly.
"Hey, Langa." He greeted.

"Have you seen anyone else yet today?" Langa asked.

"Of course it's busy out today." Miya replied, smirking slightly.

"No I mean, like Reki, Cherry, Joe, M/n, or Shadow."

"I know what you mean." Miya spat. "No I haven't. We can go look though, since I have nothing better to do."

Langa nodded, he and Miya sped off to Sia la Luce.
They found Joe, although it was really packed inside giving them no time to talk.

They then skated to the flower show where Shadow worked.

They did indeed find Shadow, though he was busy helping an old woman with flowers for her granddaughter's baby shower.

So they left to Reki's house, his mother answered the door.

"Oh, welcome come in!" She greeted.
The two walked in and headed towards Reki's room where he was still asleep.

"Reki." Langa called.
He didn't move.
"Let me try." Miya said, pushing Langa to the side. "Slime wake up!" Miya yelled.

Reki, startled, woke up.

"There." Miya said smugly.

"Heh? What are you doing here?" Reki asked.

"We're here to wake you up slime. It's a Saturday, we let you sleep in and now we're on our way to try and get Cherry and or M/n." Miya explained.

"Oh ok let me get ready." Reki said.

About an hour later, much to Miya's dismay, Reki was finally ready.

"Slimes sure do take a lot of time to get ready." Miya commented.
"You try getting ready with a broken arm!" Reki yelled.
"No thanks, I'll pass." Miya smirked.

Reki huffed and skated ahead of the other two, making his way to very familiar road to Dope Sketch. About a block away he stopped, in front of Sakurayashiki Calligraphy.

Miya and Langa were there soon after, Langa tried the door. To his surprise it was locked. Reki moved Langa out of the way and knocked aggressively, until finally a blur of pink hair was spotted walking towards them.

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