23. A Dance With Danger

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3rd POV
Monday Morning

Kaoru was dressed in a formal casual outfit, different from his normal clothing. He waited for M/n to arrive. He sat at the couch in the lounge, admiring the intricate detailing of the mansion.

"Hey, Kaoru. Sorry I'm late. You weren't waiting too long, were you?" M/n asked.
"No, I wasn't. You look lovely." Kaoru said.
"You don't look to bad yourself. C'mon let's go before Epel gets down here and shoos us outta here themself." M/n chuckled.
Kaoru nodded and followed M/n out the door to his motorcycle.

"We're really taking that to a fancy café?" Kaoru asked skeptically.
"Of course, flower. I'm driving afterall, hold on tight." M/n responded, getting on the motorcycle.
Kaoru hummed and slid behind him and instantly hugged his waist.

He wasn't scared, no he couldn't be. Afterall, he skated with a practically insane man in his earlier years, however, for Kaoru it felt different.
How tf do people write romanceeee
A new form of affection. He chuckled softly at this. He found who he had been looking for. Someone who made him feel safe.

'How to hire someone to write fluff for you cuz your dumbass can't...'

Time skip—that night
It was the last night of the tournament. A beef of Langa against Adam. If Adam dared to pull anything he'd be lying in the mud again, M/n and Reki would make sure of it. No one would be prepared for what Adam had up his sleeve. A beef that cost many their sanity and love for skating, it wouldn't happen to Langa.

"Hey, where's that other slime, M/n?" Miya asked, interrupting the deadly silence which circled the car.
"He told me he's meeting us at S, hopefully." Kaoru responded.

"Something strange is going one here..." Kaoru said as he stopped in front of S's gates.
"You have to walk the rest." The guard said.
"It'll be fine." Langa reassured. "My situations the same as his."

"Hm? What's this? A grave for the finish line...except. Huh? I swear to hell I'm going to kill that blue bastard...." M/n sighed.
On the wall read "Grand Final" in purple lighting. The it showed the track. The banned one. Full of dangerous twists and turns that could fatally injure of kill a person. This was tonight's track.

"What's with course?" Reki asked.
"If you were to fall..." Miya trailed.
"Why isn't it the usual one?" Shadow asked.
"The entrance to the abandoned factory got sealed due to the storm." Tadashi answered.
"Bullshit." M/n spat. "You know that's not the real reason."

"It's the course we used when S first started." Kaoru explained.
"It was too dangerous. It's banned." Joe added.
"Adam said this suitable for tonight." Tadashi said.

Langa made his way carefully to the starting line, utop the steep cliff edge. He paused. Adam was wearing something different. A grey cloak that covered his face. And had a different board. It was shaped like a coffin.

The cloak's hood fell from Adam's hair and revealed a skeleton mask.
"I thought this outfit was appropriate for tonight's beef." Adam said.
"That's a stupid fucking outfit. Mines better." M/n sneered, squeezing Kaoru's hand to prevent from marching up that cliff and whacking some goddamn sense into Adam.
"Yours always are." Kaoru smiled, despite the actual atmosphere of the beef, Kaoru felt at peace with M/n.

Anyone wanna know your fit?[1]

Adam flipped a coin into the air, this was the gunshot, the starting signal, as soon as the coin hit the ground; the beef would begin.
Both got into their positions to start down the cliff.
The coin hit and the two were off at rapid pace, a dangerous one.

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